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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Md. Teachers' Union Launches Ads to Protect School Funding

A Maryland teachers' union is launching a petition drive to protect strong investments in schools.

The Maryland State Education Association is kicking off a radio ad campaign and online petition drive on Monday. The ad will run for two weeks in Baltimore, the District of Columbia and other parts of Maryland.

The campaign is calling on Gov.-elect Larry Hogan and state lawmakers to not cut school funding.



  1. They really should concentrate on reducing waste, fraud and abuse! Then they would be able to keep the same amount of money available for education related activities while saving the taxpayers the money they deserve! These two groups can work together....it's the administrators wasting the money that both sides are fighting!

  2. O'Malley funded this by using the State portion of teacher pension funding. That portion will now have to come from the Counties. If Hogan cancels school construction now, It's O'Malley's construction buddies who will be impacted and teacher pensions are still underfunded. The damage is already done.

  3. why don't they use that money for their members instead of propaganda? wonder what the salaries are at this "non-profit" entity........

  4. There is enough money going to education and the teachers are making more money than most. They need spend it more wisely and work on discipline in the schools.


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