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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Md. County To Consider Ban On Sales Of Cats, Dogs From Breeders

ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) — Lawmakers in Montgomery County are considering banning pet stores from selling dogs or cats supplied by commercial breeders.

The bill would allow pet stores to sell dogs or cats only if they come from animal care facilities or nonprofit rescue organizations.

The bill is meant is to prevent the sale of animals from so-called “puppy mills,” where dogs and cats are raised in conditions that some advocates describe as inhumane.



  1. All the problems Maryland has this is the best they have? ?

  2. yea how dare they protect those that can not protect themselves.

  3. 8:21 You mean children?

    And if they're going to shut down individuals, they should shut down PETA too. HSA is hit or miss, depending on the area.

  4. @6:38 you'rejust ignorant!

  5. If you look in the local newspaper there are ads for puppies with a phone number from out of state. That should be your first red flag that this is a puppy mill. This is no better than human trafficking. Adoption is NOT free to prevent people from randomly taking pets as property for fights or worse. We will be judged by our humanity as to how we treat animals.


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