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Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Loretta Lynch questioned over secret deal depriving fraud victims of $40M

Probe of Obama attorney general nominee sought over secret deals for cooperators

More than a year before President Obama nominated federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch to be attorney general, a former federal judge quietly called on Congress to investigate her U.S. attorney’s office for trampling on victims’ rights.

Paul Cassell, a law professor at the University of Utah, said Ms. Lynch’s office, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, never told victims in a major stock fraud case that a culprit had been sentenced — denying them a chance to seek restitution of some $40 million in losses.



  1. Another criminal put forward by the POSOTUS!

    Just like the last one.....

  2. 2:04-that's because no one with any integrity, morals and principles would ever lower themselves to work in the Obama admin.


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