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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Leaked Documents Show Most Illegals Now Immune to Arrest

New Obama administration rules make the vast majority of illegal immigrants immune to arrest and relegate border patrol agents to the role of social workers, according to Breitbart Texas.

A border agent leaked the documents to the conservative web site, explaining that the Department of Homeland Security has decided that the majority of immigrants crossing U.S. borders illegally cannot be detained or deported without approval from top officials in Washington.

The documents do not specifically order agents to let illegal immigrants pass freely into the United States, the source said. But the rules “clearly” say “don’t waste your time because the alien will not be put into detention, sent back or deported,” he said.

“There is literally no reason to arrest an illegal alien because they are specifically telling Border Patrol there will be no consequence for the illegal alien. It is a waste of time and resources to arrest someone who is off limits for detainment or deportation and the documents make that fact clear,” the source added.

“Border Patrol agents are now being trained to be social workers, not law enforcement.”



  1. Maybe they should just make them disappear...like Jimmy Hoffa!

  2. If that be the case then lets save the tax payer 100's of millions by just eliminating that dept and sell off all of their equipment...WTF! So we now have an open border for anyone and all to cross illegally just don't try legally without your papers?


  3. So the resident or one of his high level stooges has to sign off on arresting and returning peasants and wanna be terrorists crossing the border.

    We're in the best of hands. Not!


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