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Friday, January 23, 2015

Larry Wilmore Mocks Sharpton in Premiere: ‘No One Else Can Represent Us?!’

Larry Wilmore, the newest face in late night, wasted no time jumping into some big issues during the premiere of The Nightly Show tonight, including the Oscars whitewashing. And he spent a chunk of time bemoaning how Al Sharpton has jumped on this issue too.

He cried, “Sharpton?! Again?! I mean, no one else can represent us?!… You don’t have to respond to every black emergency, you’re not black Batman!”

Gilmore suggested Sharpton go back to eating more food and less airtime, before jumping into the wave of protests over the past year and highlighting how white people got their Harry Potter-related grievances addressed while black protesters haven’t come close to getting change.


1 comment:

  1. Batman leaves the scene after performing a service to mankind. Sharpton appears on the scene to perform a disservice to mankind.


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