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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kmart To Pay $102K For Refusing To Hire Dialysis Patient Who Couldn’t Give Urine Sample

Kmart must pay $102,000 to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of a Maryland man who says the company reneged on a job offer when he couldn’t provide a urine sample for a drug test because of his kidney disease and dialysis. 


  1. Then the EEOC should hire him.This issue is out of their realm because this person could not perform his job duties even if he was hired.

  2. This is typical gov't BS there is no sense in this kind of interference in any private business.Man I sure hope the republicans have the gonads to put a stop to this kind of crap.

  3. If he couldn't even urinate how can they expect him to do his job?! I'm sure if they had drawn blood they would've discovered the real reason why he couldn't provide a sample.


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