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Monday, January 12, 2015


On January 7, 2015, Irving Henderson Jones, age 31, of Salisbury, Maryland was convicted by a Wicomico County jury of possessing fentanyl, alprazolam, and marijuana all with the intent to distribute the drugs.

The charges against Jones arose out of his actions on June 19, 2014 when a car he was riding in was stopped for running a stop sign. The Maryland State Police Trooper witnessed an interaction between the front seat passenger and Mr. Jones who was the rear seat passenger. The Trooper approached the vehicle from the passenger side for his safety and was ultimately able to see a plastic bag protruding from the front passenger’s pants. The bag contained fentanyl, alprazolam, and marijuana. Jones was found in the backseat seated next to a digital scale. He also possessed $1,004.00 in U.S. currency and two cell phones.

The facts at trial revealed that the bag belonged to the rear seat passenger, Irving Jones, who threw it into the lap of the front seat passenger and ordered the passenger to hide it from the Trooper. The jury was able to conclude that based upon the quantity, packaging, and types of drugs, when combined with the scale, cell phones, and money found on Irving Jones, that he possessed all of these drugs for distribution.

Irving Jones awaits sentencing as a subsequent offender as Jones was convicted of possessing heroin with the intent to distribute in 2010. He faces a mandatory-minimum sentence.

Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Maryland State Police and the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force for their work in this investigation and their assistance with this prosecution. Fentanyl is a drug that has caused numerous deaths across Maryland.

Mr. Maciarello also thanked the citizens of Wicomico County and Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.


  1. Thanks. One more off the street.

  2. I was there. That jury should be ashamed. The driver was never there. Why? It couldve been him.And bags were missing.and was pulled because the cars tires stopped on the white line. Not ran a stop sign. Matt's office lying and violating rights again. Dope dealer nor not. To much was wrong here. Hell the judge wasn't even paying attention. Objection was shouted several times to a huh? He should've taken this away from the jury. This happened the same day the corrections officer was sentenced to 20 days for habitual drunk driving and a drunk who killed a guy got 18 months.

  3. Guilty is guilty, quit making excuses...you must be one of the dealers

    1. No I am one of the ones who see injustice! Whether your guilty or not the law needs to be applied! Its becoming all to frequent. Lack of evidence and a dumb jury who has been conformed to ignorance! Our society no longer cared about the rights of people. His jury was not of his peers! One black juror and a black alternate. The whites were all of money. Reasonable doubt. The driver of the car was not there! He could've had a play in this. And when does a traffic stop warrant guns drawn and search over movement in the car? Could've been a cigg dropped or a phone! And the man sentenced wasn't moving at all only the front passenger. Said so by the officer. Then how did the man give the girl two Walmart bags full of drugs and never move? Facts are facts. You weren't there I was! Guilty is guilty? How many folks have been freed after long incarcerations because of DNA or recant of statements? Your mentality is why cops can do as they please. Cops used to walk the line over evidence and witnesses or the case would be tossed! Now all it takes is the word of a cop and anyone who is willing to lie for a lesser sentence! Which the girl here sad herself she couldn't remember she was on drugs and wanting more!

  4. 11:14 and 5:38 seem to be the same person - each as dumb and racist as the other. Can't compose sentences, improper grammar (yes, dumbass, 'grammar' does hae an 'a' at the end), drug/alcohol fueled, incoherent ramblings......jeeeeez look at the freak. He is guilty as hell and 40 years LEO experience later, I know what I am talking about. But you already know that, don't you.

    1. I'm white supporting a black guys rights and I'm a racist? It isn't about race so stfu with that. Enough going on that subject. And my sentence structure? This is a blog site not a term paper!!!!!! Forty years of watching the system crumble under the false sense of more security has allowed cops like yourself to arrest and see prosecution of innocent people. Or search a car over a traffic stop because someone moved! We all know he had to have been known and a cop found a reason. I'm not saying he wasn't a dope dealer. I know he was. His record came out in court. Its the point that there was plenty of reasonable doubt here.


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