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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jeb Bush kept key roles in Florida firm amid signs of trouble

After attending his second meeting as a board member for InnoVida, a Miami-based company that marketed prefabricated housing materials for use in disaster zones and other places in need, Jeb Bush had some follow-up questions.

“Fine board meeting,” Bush wrote in an e-mail to the chief financial officer before requesting details about the company’s liability insurance and politely nudging him that cash-flow data “would be appreciated.”

Bush wouldn’t get his answers until a week after his September 2009 e-mail, and then only in part — the CFO provided him with an “unaudited” financial spreadsheet and said no insurance details were immediately available.



  1. He will be the nominee so we had better learn how to deal with it and rally behind him. If not we will be handing the presidency to Hillary.

  2. If Jeb Bush becomes your President you can, assuredly, close the book on 'The American Police State', it will be here.
    The Bushs are evil, pure evil, and America had better wake up to that fact before it's too late.

  3. The Bush family and the Saudi royals are as thick as thieves. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they set up 9/11 together.


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