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Friday, January 23, 2015

Is 20-Week-Old Unborn Child a Human Being? Hoyer: ‘This Is Not a Real Issue’

Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland did not directly answer when asked the yes-no question of whether an unborn child 20 weeks after conception is a human being.

Instead Hoyer said that “this is not a real issue.”

CNSNews.com asked Hoyer the question at a press event following President Barack Obama’s State of the Union at the Capitol on Tuesday evening.

CNSNews.com asked: “Do you believe that an unborn child is a human being at 20 weeks after conception?”



  1. Republicans. They care about children from conception till birth. Then could care less about them once they are born.

    1. Yeah we just want them to turn democrats and then go on welfare.IDIOT.

  2. Shame on him. His daughters even attended catholic schools.

  3. 11:39, you drank the "Kool-Aid". I challenge you to prove your statement; no rhetoric, just proof.

  4. when will southern MD have enough of this creature?

  5. I can think of several politicians that need a post-birth abortion if it is possible...

  6. Too bad we missed him at 20 weeks.

  7. I have a choice, too! I think that Biden, by his cowardice politics and lack of caring about the unborn, has once again shown his disdain for our citizens, our bible and the Constitution. On top of being a coward, he is also a traitor like his islamic boss, Obama. A pathetic example as a man, a human being and a poor role model for being the VP. He is disgraceful and an embarrassment to to the US people,


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