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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Illegal immigration and warring parents: the story of Mrs Columba Bush

Her husband is the leading Republican candidate for the White House and hopes to pull off an unprecedented feat: to be the third member of the same family to hold the presidency.

But at Jeb Bush’s side, his wife Columba also stands to make history. She would, of course, be the third Mrs Bush in the White House.

But she would – crucially – be the first Hispanic first lady, and only the second born outside the United States.

Columba has kept herself out of the limelight since he announced his plan to run, as she has throughout his political career.

But Daily Mail Online can today reveal the remarkable story of how the daughter of a Mexican peasant from a farm without running water joined America’s premier political dynasty; and the sad family rift which has marred that journey to the gates of the White House.

Columba, it can be disclosed, is the daughter of a man who crossed into American illegally to work, who was accused of beating her, and with whom she was never reconciled – even in death.



  1. We all have our crosses to bear.
    She does have a lot going for her , she's not a muslim , we know a lot about her history , she is here legally .
    However , having said that , Obama doesn't have any of these .
    Like in the previous post , the clock is ticking!!

  2. 6:20AM
    The Bush family has A LOT of crosses to bear. And, you can start with the nearly 3000 lives lost on September 11, 2001. Then you can go to the members of the military who have been killed because of their 'interests' in the Middle East. And, don't dare forget the murders of unarmed Americans right here in the USA because of their PATRIOT Act & the HSA. The evil this family has in it's heart is so deep that Satan's eyebrows would raise.


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