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Saturday, January 17, 2015

How the Obama-Sharpton Alliance Began

Obama dispatched Valerie Jarrett in 2008 to woo the reverend.

Near the end of 2007, Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett met with Al Sharpton in New York City and began to cement a relationship that would eventually make the inflammatory activist the president’s “go-to man” on race, according to multiple sources.

The backdrop to the incipient Obama-Sharpton alliance was the then-senator’s 2008 presidential campaign, which still hadn’t locked away the black vote, and the political cross-currents created by two other controversial reverends, Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright.

That tentative relationship has now grown into a full-blown partnership that has vastly increased the once-shunned Sharpton’s influence and prestige and elevated him into a key White House ally at a time of heightened tension over policing and race.



  1. I love the characterization of Al on Saturday Night Live. They have him spot on. I am glad Keenan Thompson has enough courage to mock and make fun of the good reverand because he is saying in his sketches what the rest of American knows but is afraid to say because of perceived racism.

  2. Oh!! , it's a coming folks.
    They want a race war , they are going to get it. The preparations are going on as we speak.
    If your head is in the sand , pull it out , don't say you haven't been warned. FOX is preaching it everyday in laymen terms.

    1. I agree they are trying to incite protests and violence over race. Perhaps if it gets bad enough they can impose martial law?

  3. I think once the instigator in chief is gone things will calm down some.

  4. Liars & racists just seem to hang out with each other.....birds of a feather flock together.

  5. 2 yrs left with this Asswipe.


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