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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Homeowner sued for Ford F-150 in driveway

HOA rules allow only 'private, passenger-type, pleasure automobiles'

A homeowners’ association has filed a lawsuit seeking to bar a resident in the town of Manlius from parking his own pickup truck in his driveway.

The Kimry Moor Homeowners Association has filed a lawsuit against residents David and Arna Orlando in Onondaga County Supreme Court because they are parking their 2014 black Ford 150 pickup in their driveway at 511 Kimry Moor, just outside the village of Fayetteville.

The association wants an injunction to stop the couple from parking their pickup in the driveway of their home.


  1. That's why I never bought in a HOA neighborhood. My freedom belongs to me, not you or anybody else.

  2. Exactly, and some of those rules are subjective. What is a strange odor to one person might not be to someone else!

  3. I would never live in a HOA neighborhood. What I do, build, grow, etc is my business and no one else's. Joining a HOA is giving up on life.

  4. Some HOAs are like Nazi party officials. I think the problem is people with that type of mentality can't wait to be on the HOA board.

  5. depends on the hoa! some good some bad like everything in life!

  6. HOA's are politics at the lowest level and Tyranny of the Majority. Some desire that, but most rural residents find it repulsive. It is city life x's 2. Regulation on top of regulation. In the past, I have read the covenants on property being considered for purchase (as everyone should prior to purchase), and rejected from consideration those that I could not live with. That's that, "Buyer Beware"

  7. I love the Seinfield episodes of his parents in Florida, and the board politics. The episodes are supposed to be a farce, but are very close to the truth as to how the HOA's operate and the petyy politics involved. Ocean Pines, here on the shore is a prime example....and those people take the HOA business very seriously.

  8. HOA's will tell you what color that your house is going to be, what flag you can display and where it can be displayed, and whether you can change your on oil on your property. Not only that, they will sue a homeowner for violating "their" rules. Some democracy...
    City living at its worst. One gives up a substantial portion of their property rights to live in any kind of HOA community.


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