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Monday, January 12, 2015

Group of fourth-grade girls planned to kill their teacher with hand sanitizer, police say

ELBA, N.Y. (WKBW/WJLA) – Deputies with the Genesee County Sheriff's Office say a group of fourth graders planned to kill their teacher at Elba Elementary School.

According to the incident report, the Elba Elementary School principal called authorities after discovering a plot to harm the teacher.

Three students, all girls, are accused of planning to put hand sanitizer on different items the teacher would touch. That teacher is highly allergic to hand sanitizer, and police say the students knew this would hurt the teacher.

Sheriff's deputies and other officials met with the children accused of the plot and their parents. At least one parent said the children knew the teacher could become very sick from contact with hand sanitizer, according to the incident report.



  1. Probably the same teacher that made the girls wear Burka's on their field trip.

  2. Students should be expelled. Let parents deal with them.

  3. Not surprising. This is the type of brainwashing Hitler was best at. Our children are no longer taught anything but obedience to the state.

  4. 4:%1 So that makes it OK for elementary aged children to cause bodily harm to an adult? WTF kind of crack do you smoke? Let's never blame the criminals, and make excuses for their ignorance. Typical POS. I hope you never pro created.

  5. The other day a lady on the Dr Phil show claimed to ingest hand sanitizer to get high.


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