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Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Governor O’Malley Honors Harriet Tubman with Bust at Government House

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley joined state officials and dignitaries at Government House to unveil a bronze bust of Harriet Tubman — the first bust of an African American to be displayed in the Governor’s residence in Annapolis, Maryland.

Joining Governor O’Malley for the ceremony were First Lady Katie O’Malley, descendants of Harriet Tubman, artist Brendan O’Neill Sr., U.S. Congressman Elijah Cummings, and Dr. Joni Jones Floyd, Director of the Banneker Douglass Museum of Annapolis and Executive Director of the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture

“Harriet Tubman is one of the most inspiring Marylanders and greatest Americans we have ever known and I’m grateful for Brendan O’Neill Sr. donating his talents to share her history with generations to come,” said Governor O’Malley. “In commemorating the life of Harriet Tubman, we’re ensuring that the healing light of those who shine against the darkness of human frailty will never dim.”



  1. Soon they will be putting up a bust of Osama Bin Laden, after all he was just fighting against an evil power and corrupt government. Like this treasonous woman that blatantly violated federal law, and fought against government.

  2. 11:34 agree! Honoring a person that lead a revolt against the current laws of the country and advocating the overthrowing of that government is treason. Today we petition, and legislate new law, look at the marijuana!


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