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Friday, January 16, 2015

Gallup CEO Blasts US Leadership "The Economy Is Not Coming Back"

The U.S. now ranks not first, not second, not third, but 12th among developed nations in terms of business startup activity. Countries such as Hungary, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, Israel and Italy all have higher startup rates than America does.

We are behind in starting new firms per capita, and this is our single most serious economic problem. Yet it seems like a secret. You never see it mentioned in the media, nor hear from a politician that, for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the total number of new business startups and business closures per year -- the birth and death rates of American companies -- have crossed for the first time since the measurement began. I am referring to employer businesses, those with one or more employees, the real engines of economic growth. Four hundred thousand new businesses are being born annually nationwide, while 470,000 per year are dying.

You may not have seen this graph before.



  1. what do you expect when you implement socialist programs.. socialist utopia does not exist and cannot be achieved..look what it did to Russia...it wasn't until they implemented democratic policies that they prospered... we are going in the opposite direction becoming more socialistic communist and doctoral.....to further build on this house of fiscal cards is insane...it appears until a third party emerges and seizes power at the ballot box or God help a violent revolution (I think they are the expecting some kind of resistance when the poop really hits the .....fan this is why the government is prepping) ....Democrats and Republicans will continue business as usual ...deceiving ....lying and stealing our republic

  2. nothing new here. I said this 6 years ago...

  3. Right on,all most of us do is hang in there because what else other than go on welfare is the only option.


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