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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fox News Producer Tried to Report From Inside Texas Muslim Convention. Take a Look at What Followed.

Fox News producer Jesse Watters attempted to report from inside a Muslim conference that took place near Dallas, Texas, over the weekend, but was denied entry.

“Did you fill out the media form?” a man appearing to be an organizer asked Watters outside the ”Stand With the Prophet” event.

“Yeah, I filled out the media form and I bought tickets too, personally,” the Fox News producer replied. “And now they’re saying I can’t go in.”

“There’s a certain type of media allowed,” the man replied to Watters.



  1. Freedom of speech allows this but I hope the authorities are watching.

  2. Watters is a hack and doesn't deserve any accommodation.

    1. Go back to fat boys website liberal twit.


  3. What if I tried to prevent them from coming into a conference I was having?

  4. Freedom of speech stops where inciting criminal activity begins!

    As soon as the media was excluded is when the real story started. The FBI, CIA, or NSA may have been observing - but POSOTUS will prevent any action from taking place.

  5. Only Islamo butt kissers allowed! (Anyone from the MSM or Obama admin).

  6. Anonymous said...
    Watters is a hack and doesn't deserve any accommodation.

    January 20, 2015 at 4:05 PM

    Chuck Cook did they let you out of the lunatic asylum today?

  7. Why would the Muslims accommodate a group who slanders them on the regular?

    1. Lol the same reason there in America. Supposedly for Freedom.

  8. Evil does not want lights shining into their darkness for fear they will be exposed for who they really are.

  9. I was born in America. I'm not here for freedom. I'm here because I happened to be born here. Many come here for work. Work isn't freedom. It's work.

  10. 6:47 Why do you/we accommodate Muslims?

  11. You/we don't accommodate Muslims.

    Fox News is the mainstream media for racist whites. Its a place where they can coalesce and give a facade of validity to their assertions.

    It would be like neonazis being allowed access to a convention in remembrance of the 1940's Jewish Diaspora Deportation in Germany.

    1. And CNN and Msnbc are communist anti american race baiting welfare loving scumbags who gave there hands out for $$$ then spit on them after receiving it.


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