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Sunday, January 25, 2015


Thanks Barrie Tilghman, Jim Ireton 
and Rick Pollitt.



  1. But we have a drunk trolly!

    1. and a cool bicycle lane down the middle of the highway

  2. You should show the data going back a few years not a few months.

  3. It is going to be going up even more with 600 jobs lost. Guessing the slumlords are jumping for joy to have more "stock" to choose from.

    Welcome to the bury, where would you like to Rent?

  4. I really wish someone would expose and have Ireton get help with his alcohol problem... it's such a disgrace

  5. Lets see are the three of them on the mortgage loan paperwork? Did they persuade me to buy a home that cost that much? Were either one of them the real estate agent that showed me the property? No! No! No! Today we want to blame everyone else but really it was my decision. Foreclosures are happening everywhere.

    1. We're talking about forclosures directly related to loss of employment due to a business going under or relocating. My mortgage is reasonable and well withing my budget but if I lost my job tomorrow I still wouldn't be able to pay it. How is that blaming someone else?

  6. I agree with 10:44. Let's start with the banks that gave them these mortgages that they can't afford. Why don't we stop trying to blame others for our own mistakes? If you can't afford it, don't buy it.

  7. This county is so going down the crapper thanks Jim Ireton & Ricky Red Face!

  8. Thanks Obama for your worthless efforts to help the middle class. As you can see we are doing just great down here. You are about as useful as tits on a bull along with all your other cronies.

  9. 10:44, Sorry to read the real facts to you, but back when these folks signed on to their mortgages, they had good paying manufacturing jobs like Bayliner and hundreds of others who have packed up and left this overtaxed and over regulated state/ county/ city.

    Joe has been posting that list right here over and over along with monthly job reports that keep showing 1,000 less jobs, and you can't see the forest for the trees.

    When you lose your job, and the places you used to be able to turn to for another are gone, well, 2+ 2= 4 in my book. I guess your math is different.

  10. 12:42 right on.10:44,Maybe government workers who never get laid off and make twice what most of us make can say what your saying.

  11. 3:43 that's a myth or at least not around here it is.
    Starting jobs pay pennies and it takes 20+ years before you actually make any money if you are lucky.
    You have to be there 10 years before you get pension and 15 years to opt for retiree healthcare.
    On top of the pennies they pay, they take out 7% for your portion of the pension and additional for healthcare.
    By the time it's all done, you are lucky to be making $10/hr and that is before taxes.
    If you do not get in early, forget it.
    They start you at the lowest grade pay regardless of your experience or education.

  12. .18% doesn't seem too high to me


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