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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

‘For God and country’ recruiting poster was ordered removed by the US Army; ‘God’ is a problem in Obama’s military

The premise that the phrase, “On a mission for both God and Country,” is unconstitutional is an outright lie. There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about it. These people have probably never read the constitution much less studied constitutional law. They are full of it. Calling the recruitment poster that had the phrase on it, the “Poster of Shame,” is more atheist, Progressive/Marxist vomitus. Demanding that those who designed, prepared and displayed the poster to be aggressively investigated and very visibly punished is fascist and typical of the Communists who are secreted throughout our system now. This is the Obama hand that now rocks the military cradle here in America. Godless, corrupt and Communist.

A Phoenix-area U.S. Army recruiting station was ordered Friday to remove a poster depicting a “stock image” of a Special Forces patch along with Ranger, Airborne and Special Forces tabs. The problem lay in what wasn’t “stock” — the phrase, “On a mission for both God and country.”

The poster was put together and displayed without prior approval from Army Recruiting Command, according to Army Times.

“Had the process been followed, the copy shown would not have been approved,” spokesman Brian Lepley told the Times.

It was the “God” part they had a problem with. The Army Times reported:

The command first became aware of the poster Friday morning when it received questions about the display from Army Times. It was unclear when the display went up, but images of the sandwich board outside a recruiting office appear online in places like Reddit and Flickr with dates as far back as October.

It received more online attention on Thursday, when an image of the display was the center of a news release and a post on the Daily Kos website from Mikey Weinstein, president and founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. In the post, which had nearly 400 comments as of Friday afternoon, Weinstein called the display a “stunning, unconstitutional disgrace” and labeled it the “Poster of Shame.”



  1. the DEMOCRAT national convention denied GOD 3 times at their last meeting

  2. I wonder what Muslim name the post commander has??

  3. Bear in mind now, this is the same mentality that tells you that the Constitution is 'merely a guideline'. That it isn't in fact the unimpeachable law of this country.

  4. If it had said "Allah" then no one would have banned it.


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