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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ferguson Lawmaker Sends Racist Tweet About #WhitePrivilege

The nation’s race-hustlers appear to favor hashtag advocacy over a real, substantive discussion concerning race relations in America.

So many of these blatant racists parrot over and over again the #blacklivesmatter mantra and also attempt to silence any white person who objects to this bullying as exerting a supposed “white privilege.”

Recently, a Democrat Missouri State Senator, Maria Chappelle-Nadal, tweeted her racist vitriol and asserted:

“LET ME BE CLEAR. When you exercise your #WhitePrivilege, don’t think I’m not going to remember. I will use it for the future. Uncomfortable?”


  1. Yes, whites have the privilege of working so their tax money can support endless perks for freeloaders.

  2. Reparations of various types seem to be at the core of this mentality.

    1. There already getting obama reparations f them.

  3. "White privilege" is a racial slur.

  4. Anonymous said...
    "White privilege" is a racial slur.

    January 5, 2015 at 7:25 PM

    In her context it is!!

  5. She is a traitor to our country.

    She needs an oz. of Pb between her eyebrows.

  6. She is not worth a comment, but I will. I believe she is a disgusting piece of trash to be ignored.

  7. Many students also have the privilege of sitting in classes, getting no instruction while millions of dollars are spent on those who won't learn.

  8. LET ME BE CLEAR-Anyone who pays any attention to this ghetto trash is a fool.

  9. Anonymous said...
    "White privilege" is a racial slur.

    January 5, 2015 at 7:25 PM

    In her context it is!!

    January 5, 2015 at 9:20 PM

    In any context it's a racial slur...It's a derogatory term to slander a specific term based on a lie.


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