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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Federal budget price tag for every new Obamacare enrollee: $50,000

It will cost the federal government – taxpayers, that is – $50,000 for every person who gets health insurance under the Obamacare law, the Congressional Budget Office revealed on Monday.

The number comes from figures buried in a 15-page section of the nonpartisan organization's new ten-year budget outlook.

The best-case scenario described by the CBO would result in 'between 24 million and 27 million' fewer Americans being uninsured in 2025, compared to the year before the Affordable Care Act took effect.

Pulling that off will cost Uncle Sam about $1.35 trillion – or $50,000 per head.



  1. BS, get you facts straight. The ACA is on track to save the taxpayers billions.

  2. Only $50,000 I bet its more than that boy that Obummer Care is great deal.

  3. Yeah, right, ACA is a big saver. Wake up Jack, it took away more health insurance from well over 1 million working class Americans to cover a million lower class citizens and now the minions of illegal aliens that are now here. What planet are you on? Or is this more fall out from the Reid Pelosi idiot agenda. You radical left wing nuts are all the same. I am embarrassed to share my heritage as an American with a total buffoon. Saying that ACA saves money is like saying Obama is getting smarter as he extends further into his term -- sorry but that's not happening. LOL.

  4. 3:01: Those numbers come directly from the government...

  5. 3:01 those are the government's own numbers estimated by the CBO. Fact

  6. So when does the $2,500,00 savings arrive that big O said I would get?

  7. 3:01 You need to get "you" facts straight. Obamacare a.k.a. UCA (Unaffordable Care Act) is the most costly interference in a free market economy by the government sector in any non-communist country. Thousands of people have lost the AFFORDABLE healthcare they did have because it does not conform with Obamacare (after they were told they could keep their insurance). Now they and everybody else have policies that cost more, have super high deductibles and force coverage for procedures that are not necessary or even moral in some cases. The president lied when selling the plan to the American people and said it was not a tax, the Supreme court ruled it WAS a tax, as a matter of fact that was the only way it passed constitutional muster. I suggest you might be the purveyor of BS rather than the CBO.

  8. I think 3:01 is just being a smart alack nobody is that stupid.

  9. 4:53 the architects of Obama care were counting on it.


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