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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Expecting Too Much and Demanding Too Little

Anyone with common sense can appreciate Governor Larry Hogan finding himself thrown into the liberal briar patch of Maryland State government. However, he does possess a mandate from across the state to put our fiscal house in order, and he appears to remain focused on this one issue. Yet, there are other areas that concern his base which he must not be allowed to neglect or deny.

While it is true that he will meet great resistance from the likes of President Miller and Speaker Busch, those of us who pushed to see him in the Governor’s Mansion must provide a measure of constant pressure to insure that the conservative view of government was just not campaign rhetoric. In Annapolis, the base is often trampled in an effort to appease the monster who gives little while demanding much.

Conservatives may not be able to expect too much success from this governor beyond fiscal restraint and pro business policy decisions, but that does not mean we should not have demands on his agenda. For the past eight years we have had social policy mayhem crammed down our corporate throat. On most of these issues, the General Assembly was clearly divided in spite of what liberals want to believe. Critical votes on gay marriage, transgender rights, gun confiscation, education reform, and property rights often came down to one or two key votes.

On many of these issues, the concrete is still not cured and there is opportunity for Governor Hogan to etch his initials into these policy changes. He is off to a good start with the Phosphorus Management Tool regulations, but the tendency is to think that a “bad” policy or bill simply needs to me altered so it can be “better”. In reality, much of what is proposed as bad policy must be soundly rejected not modified. Our farmers have not seen the last of the PMT and a legislative version could come out of both chambers and land on the governor’s desk begging for a veto.

One of the legacy’s of the O’Malley administration is laziness on the part of the General Assembly leadership. When heavy lifting was required, other means were sought to implement policy rather than walk it through legislative channels with the commensurate slower process. The Maryland Governor has immense power; in fact, he is the most powerful governor of the 50 states. The Maryland Governor’s pen and cell phone can work more effectively than President Obama’s, and, in this area, conservatives must make our policy demands on the governor.

For instance, the governor will appoint a Superintendent for the State Police. It is the superintendent’s policy interpretation that ultimately defines what a “good and substantial” reason is for a law abiding Marylander to be permitted to have a Handgun Wear and Carry Permit issued to them. The current superintendent placed value on a bag of gold, but not so much on a 2 year old child. The gold was reason enough to get a permit, the child…not so much.

There are areas such as these in every state agency; policy that can be interpreted to the betterment and greater freedom for the average Marylander. While the General Assembly seeing their way clear to do the right thing can be a Herculean task, a governor’s nod can be the least path of resistance; and it must be the focus of conservative Marylanders who did the yeoman’s task of placing him in office.

The governor assigns funding levels in his budget and the General Assembly cannot add anything to a submitted budget unless the governor acquiesces. So if Governor Hogan wants to include Stem Cell money in his budget, conservatives should demand that it only be directed to adult stem cell research. After all, the liberals are on the other side of the fence and there is no point in allowing them to have their cake and eat it too.
Sadly, many do not expect Governor Hogan to champion any conservative legislation, knowing that it could fail, unless it serves a purpose for the 2018 election. They say this would be expecting too much in such a blue state. However, in boldness lies the real essence of the new governor’s success or failure. If he truly believes in conservative governing principles, he must act accordingly. A middle of the road, melba toast approach at appeasement will only insure a one term governorship.

Fundamental change comes from leaders who believe and and are willing to act on their beliefs.

We must expect the governor to push for conservative causes through his appointments, interpretations of law, and his Executive Orders. Not just those that address our economic status as a state, but even those that address certain areas outside of his comfort zone. We must not limit our rightful demands for change.

The Hogan administration contains many folks who learned hard lessons during the Ehrlich years, and that includes the governor himself. This being the case, conservatives can give the governor a wide berth for that which is seen, at the same time holding the governor accountable for those actions that are often unseen.

The democrats will not work nor help to make this administration successful, but the Maryland governor has many roads to choose from which lead to success. Let’s hope the most gifted in this administration are the cartographers whose ultimate destination is liberty.

1 comment:

  1. Busch and Miller having tissie fits already.


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