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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Eric Holder’s Replacement

A Senate Judiciary Committee member says she may be even worse.

David Vitter believes that Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s attorney-general nominee, might be even more dangerous than Eric Holder, the man she will replace if confirmed. The Louisiana senator met privately with Lynch this week in his capacity as a Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He tells NRO that Lynch, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, is quieter and more restrained than Holder, which he worries will deflect attention from some of the Justice Department’s more outrageous actions and policies.

Vitter’s warning about Lynch should not be taken lightly. While he previously saidthat Holder has directly attacked his state more than any other attorney general has, Vitter thinks Lynch may pose an even greater threat. In their extensive one-on-one meeting, Vitter says, Lynch would not answer several of his questions about her position on the president’s executive action on immigration. His Republican colleagues have refrained from raising questions about her nomination, which has puzzled him, given the intense debate the executive action is inspiring in the Capitol.



  1. Al Sharpton of course.


  2. While cabinet nominees generally slide through on the notion that the resident should get to pick his team, this one should be voted down.

    Holder has been a disaster to the Constitution. Lynch is his philosophical clone in a slightly different package. That she will not answer questions in the courtship process with senators speaks volumes.

    Thumbs down.


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