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Friday, January 23, 2015

Delaware: State spreading out food assistance payments

NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE (1/22/2015) Food assistance payments to more than 150,000 Delawareans will be distributed over a longer period beginning in March, state officials announced Wednesday.

Recipients, who currently get payments in a 16-day span, from the second through 17th days of a month, will now get them over a 22-day period, from the second through 23rd days of each month.

Officials said the change will allow grocers more time to restock shelves.


  1. Sign of the times. This country is in for some major shocks. Can you imagine if they told us that food stamps were going to be cut back a couple years ago. We wouldn't have believed they would do such a thing. What next? Social Security.

  2. That's in order for them to stock more shrimp, t-bones and lobster!


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