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Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Delauter to The News-Post: Don't use my name without permission

Frederick County Councilman Kirby Delauter wrote on social media that he plans to sue The Frederick News-Post if his name or any reference to him appears in print without his permission.

In a Facebook status posted Saturday, Delauter said he was upset with reporter Bethany Rodgers for “an unauthorized use of my name and my reference in her article” published Jan. 3 about his and Councilman Billy Shreve's concerns over County Council parking spaces.

“So let me be clear............do not contact me and do not use my name or reference me in an unauthorized form in the future,” Delauter, R-District 5, said in a Facebook status update.

The post had garnered more than 45 "likes" and roughly 50 comments by Monday night. Rodgers responded to Delauter's post Sunday afternoon, stating she will continue to contact the councilman for comment as well as print his name and reference in the newspaper.

“First of all, there is no requirement to get a person's authorization in order to mention them in the paper, particularly if that person is an elected official,” Rodgers wrote in a comment below the original post. “It is not just our right but our responsibility to report on people like you, who occupy positions of trust in our government, and I make no apologies for doing that.”

Delauter said he would pursue legal action if his name or reference were published again.

“Use my name again unauthorized and you'll be paying for an Attorney,” Delauter wrote. “Your rights stop where mine start.”



  1. Man another politician who does not understand of chooses to ignore our constitution. I seem to recall something about "freedom of the press". Perhaps I am just imagining that. You know, like this jack a moe is imagining he can be an elected representative but be immune to public scrutiny. YET ANOTHER Gots to go situation.

  2. FUNNY how wicomico county teachers want the same anonymity?.

  3. Why not? Obama changes the constitution to suit himself anyway so why can't this guy do it? The grunts in the court system will certainly go for it,especially if their job is at stake.

  4. To bad the DT doesn't share this reporters views and actually report the facts instead of only reporting what the officials and police want them to report.

  5. if I owned that newspaper, I would devote the entire front page to his name, printed over and over again.
    His arrogant, presumptuous, better-than-the-people-I-serve, self-important ace needs hanging.
    The sooner the better.

  6. Should have never run for public office. Public. Office.


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