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Friday, January 16, 2015

Declassify 9/11 Because the American People Deserve It


  1. You must be crazy. If they did that all would know America killed all those Americans. No way will that ever happen.

  2. But oddly enough the terrorists flying the planes did not realize that 9:39.The key to all successful terrorist attacks is to keep those who actually carry out the act unaware of those who conceptualized the attack.When they died they had no clue where the plot originated or who was responsible.Unless a deathbed confession occurs the dots will never be connected.

  3. Better watch out for the Saudi's, they are going to try and attempt to once again buy the Whitehouse for another Bush!

  4. Exactly10:06.....they only fund them and provide covert assistance ..much like they do now with FBI stings...just allot more covert..its really the globalists doing this...they must have the new world order

  5. The only what we will ever see America returned to it's former glory is if someone like Ron Paul or another independent candidate with the same concept of open honesty from the government made of the people by the people and for the people is elected. Until then we will be in the dark under an oppressive tyrannical regime of the rich by the rich and for profit.

  6. It's being reported that Israel was involved. False flag


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