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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cops confiscate reporter’s camera, firestorm follows

'Do I sound like I'm negotiating with you?'

The prosecutor’s office in Ocean County, New Jersey, says its officers will undergo training sessions on how to deal with media members after a detective arrested and confiscated the camera of a photographer who responded to a motor-vehicle accident.

Charges against the reporter are in the process of being dismissed, Public Affairs Director Al Della Fave told WND Monday.

A video about the confrontation was posted online by photographer Andrew Flinchbaugh, 23, who contributes to a local news site.



  1. This crap has been in the news for months, if not years, now and it's far past time that these out of control cops know how to conduct themselves around the media or being photographed. I'm done with hearing this 'more training' BS. What it's time for is these rutting cops being charged in situations like these.

  2. These officers need to be punished for their mis-deeds. If their union-contracts prevent that, the contracts need to be renegotiated.

    Restore accountability and trust will return...eventually!


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