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Friday, January 16, 2015

Closings & Delays 1-16-15

Wicomico Co Schools - Fri Jan 16: Due to fog, Wicomico Schools have 2-hour delay with no AM Prek today.

Worcester Schools MD - Worcester County Public Schools has a one hour delay today, Fri., Jan. 16, 2015, due to foggy conditions. Buses will operate accordingly.

Delmar Middle & High School - CLOSED

Worcester Prep  will open 1-hour late today, January 16th 

Salisbury School - 2 hour delay

Salisbury Christian School - 2 hour delay 

Laurel School District Schools are opening on time today, Friday, January 16,


  1. Have they begun opening late when it's sunny to avoid sunburn?

  2. Why is Delmar closed? They were closed when it snowed.

  3. um..Delmar, who made that crazy call? I travel through Laurel and it wasn't bad at all. Just fog lying in open fields. I have children so I am not flippant about delays. Drove into Salisbury and the fog was very mild.

  4. Delmar has had half days (for exams) all week. That is why they have just closed when it should normally be a delay.


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