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Friday, January 16, 2015

Clemson Group: Suspend FIRST AMENDMENT

A radical student group at Clemson University is demanding that administrators at the taxpayer-funded public school “prosecute defamatory speech” to fix a “pattern of social injustice.”

The student group is called See the Stripes, Campus Reform reports.

Though the See the Stripes catalog of grievances is long, the most notable one involves a demand to suspend free speech protection under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

“[W]e want a public commitment from the Clemson University Administration to prosecute criminally predatory behaviors and defamatory speech committed by members of the Clemson University community (including, but not limited to, those facilitated by usage of social media),” the group proclaims.

See the Stripes also wants to rename an “offensively named” campus building. The odious edifice is Tillman Hall, which is named after Benjamin “Pitchfork Ben” Tillman, a Democrat who sought to limit the rights of black people in the decades after the Civil War.



  1. Most libertarians ignore the things that bother them. Most liberals want everyone else to stop talking completely. If you've got a problem with something from another's point of view, use your power of free speech to argue it. Not shut them down from the use of theirs.

  2. The civil war ended a hundred and fifty years ago it's time to get over the past and concentrate on the future.Aholes like the Rev Al and jesse jackson keep stirring the pot.


  3. Let them set a good example by putting a cork in it; we'll get back to them in a century or so to see how their personal disavowal of Free Speech is working.

    What idiots, with apologies to idiots.

  4. Half of them would not be there if it wasn't for the sport they. As you can see it's not academic.

  5. THAT is a fantastic example of the state of our supposedly "educated" (in college, too!) masses.
    They actually think that people can suspend or eliminate our Constitutional rights by merely waving their hand.
    I wonder where they got THAT idea????
    Keep cheering.


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