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Saturday, January 17, 2015

City pressing ahead with app amidst transit complications

After years of floating the idea, the city is closer than ever to making a deal on a system that will allow visitors to track municipal buses using a web or phone application.

But now that the technology is in reach, the city still must decide how far it wishes to go – and how much it wishes to spend – on a program whose utility may be limited for a community that only has one bus route, on a single straight road, that’s only used for about four months of the year.

“What we have to decide is what we think we need today, and what we can add on later,” said Mayor Rick Meehan during last Tuesday’s Transportation Commission meeting.



  1. When a bus passes you by, there is a reason. Usually, it's full and are empty buses behind it. The drivers use their radios to coordinate this. The other reason is that it's going out of service. A stupid smartphone APP like the Coubcil is discussing won't change or fix this so why waste money on it.

  2. This whole system ASSUMES the buses will be on time, which in the past has been about .001% of the time..


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