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Thursday, January 08, 2015



  1. You shouldn't need a reminder.

  2. I'm sorry but if the owners leave their animals outside in the cold then the owner needs to be chained up outside as well! Maybe then people will take care of their animals!!!!!!

  3. this sort of thing goes on more than you'd like to think. and right here in salisbury. the previous animal control officer did nothing. i've seen good things already out of the new officer. please people, call if you see animals being mistreated. you are their only voice.

  4. There is a woman in the town vienna that does this as you enter the town she has 3 dogs.

  5. Boohoo. What do the wild animals do during winter? They survive. Granted a dog chained to a tree with no shelter is a different circumstance but the point remains.

  6. 9;55 dogs in the wild will gather together for warmth. A chained dog cannot do this. Last night was a 3 dog night.

  7. Mine won't come in! She has the run of the house and can go in and out as she pleases, but she likes being outside watching over her horses, ducks and chickens and the visiting flock of Canada's who come to visit her pond. I had to bribe her to come in last night with a piece of ham. She's a Great Pyrenees. These dogs were bred to guard livestock and she's doing what she loves doing. Letting her do what her inherent traits tell her to do has made her into a very well adjusted, calm, loving dog, who has never been destructive in her life.


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