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Sunday, January 11, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Paris massacre suspects killed, hostages in two locations freed, reports say

The Associated Press reports 2 Paris massacre suspects have been killed by police and their hostage is freed. Sky News reports hostages being held by two Islamic terrorists inside Paris kosher deli also are free; no word on fate of the hostage takers.



  1. 12:17
    You sound like a muslim extremist.

    1. You sound like your part of this problem u liberal Fool.

  2. 12:59
    No, I'm intelligent enough to know that saying/thinking "kill them all" only exacerbates the extremism from the other side.

    And "kill them all" is EXACTLY what these muslim extremists are screaming (in other languages obviously). Which makes you... no better than them.

    1. Yawwwwwn , why dont you sign up and fight for freedom lib.

  3. 12:17 You christian terrorists won't stop, will you?

  4. 1:14 You are wrong. The problem isn't that simple. Nothing exacerbates the Islamic jihadists. It's about taking over the world. They have been brutal and vicious always, and certainly before there was any media to supposedly offend them. They want the entire world converted to islam. This is what the quran tells them. Nothing will stop them, except to systematically exterminate the known jihadists. Bomb the terrorist training camps back down to dirt and if need be the governments that support them and allow them to operate.
    The problem we have is people do not know history. This extremism has been around since the inception of islam. The US has been fighting them since we became a country. Our own Stephen Decatur fought them in the Barbary Wars (1805) and the attack on Tripoli (Libya.) The Marine Hymm makes reference to the "shores of Tripoli".
    If anything systematically killing them did keep the problem under control for many many decades at times.
    Another major problem is careless immigration policies. This is allowing them to immigrate easily into other countries, open and/or attend radical Mosques, send willing participants to train, and then come back here and kill. Boston bombers ring a bell?

  5. A point that needs to be brought out is that the excuse used for this islamic terrorist attack-the magazine made fun of the prophet therefore they were taking revenge-is just that, an excuse.
    A free media is the biggest threat to the jihadists. Poking fun at a religion-and none were off limits to this satirical magazine, nor was any politician-
    does make and will make some people decide that religion is ridiculous. Having believers turn away from islam, no matter how moderate they were, is a threat to the terrorists.
    They cannot admit they don't want a free media so use the offended excuse. Even the most devoutly (as opposed to extremist) religious person wants free flowing information and know that their God is strong and if He is offended, can take care of His own battles, in His way and in His own time. He doesn't need armed men to do it for Him.

  6. Slander our prophet and deal with the consequences. Stop whining.

    Live by your words, die by your words.

    Or you could just be civil and not slander our prophet. We don't slander Jesus. And you wouldn't have to worry about this.

    Slandering Muhammed isn't necessary to debate against our religion no more than its necessary to slander Christ to debate a Christian.

    I wonder if Muslims started making satirical cartoons about "9/11 victims" if we'd feel the same about free speech? Yeah, I know the answer.

  7. "I wonder if Muslims started making satirical cartoons about "9/11 victims" if we'd feel the same about free speech? Yeah, I know the answer.

    January 10, 2015 at 7:49 AM"

    The problem with you people is that you have some kind of mental retardation or something going on?
    Generations of inbreeding going on? "Yeah, I know the answer."

    Anyway,.... FYI Einstein-Muslims in fact, DID "start making satirical cartoons about "9/11 victims"" immediately and following the 911 attacks.
    Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, etc ignored the cartoons for the most part and they certainly didn't have armed gunman kill the cartoonist.
    The reason why they didn't commit murder is because unlike a percentage of 'muslims' these other 'religions' consist of people who have evolved into civilized human beings.

    muhammed is some fairy tale you all made up. No real prophet needs armed gunmen to fight their battles.

  8. 7:49-Muslims did make fun of and even celebrated in the deaths the 9/11 victims, if you remember correctly.
    People were disgusted but then never killed anyone over it.
    There lies your difference. A people who evolved into civilized human beings as opposed to ones who never evolved and are still living in the stone ages.
    I agree with above, not much of a prophet if he needs someone to kill for him. A real prophet can take care of his own battles you silly fool! And yes name calling is necessary because you people need to be told how it is because this is the first step in deprogramming you all from the brainwashing you've been subject to.

  9. If Muslims were doing all of those things as you suggest why aren't they doing it now?

    I think much like the comical Usama Bin Laden videos where many different actors were playing him you were being fooled. Many of you barely comprehend your own native language much less speak Arabic.

    I could show a video of a group of Mexicans celebrating, put a caption under it reading "Illegal Immigrants Celebrate 9/11" and uneducated drones such as yourself would swear its evidence.

    You can justify doing whatever you want and under that notion so will we.

    We justify killing those barbaric and uncivilized monkeys in France. It taught them a great lesson. Its the first step in deprogramming the French from the notion they can offend anyone without repercussion.

    Hey this guilt free do as thou
    wilt stuff is pretty fun.

    People never killed anyone over it you say? You invaded and killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan over OIL and OPIUM, neither had anything to do with 911, and you're civilized? Don't make me laugh!


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