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Sunday, January 25, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Major Issue At The Mall In Salisbury

State Police are racing into Salisbury from as far away as Berlin for yet another major situation at the Mall. We're told the Mall already had undercover police presence but something broke out. More to come...  

Published 1-24 8:13 pm

*Police Alert*
UPDATE: Centre at Salisbury is now on lockdown. K9 on scene. Peppers spray deployed.
UPDATE: Police requesting EMS to the scene. Salisbury PD, Maryland State Police, Sheriff's Office on location.
UPDATE: "Bean squad" to the scene. Officers may deploy beanbag guns.
UPDATE: Fire department requested. ...
See More

Active Foot Chase
UPDATE: Suspect in a wooded area near Morris Street.
Lock your doors.
Stay inside. 
UPDATE: 8:52 | Suspect discarded his jacket. Now in a white tee shirt. Witness advises the suspect is running towards Delaware Street.
K9 on the way. Police will have the dog bite if the K9 finds him.
Police are checking vacant buildings.

Near Newport Circle
Police now on foot chasing a suspect. In the area of Newport Circle. Suspect wearing all black clothing. 6' 2" - 6' 4" 280 lbs. Officer has dropped his belt and is on foot. Multiple officers are now joining the chase.
Suspect ran during a traffic stop.
PD know who the suspect is.

UPDATE: 20:59 | Suspect in custody. 


  1. About 16-20 squad cars at the Macy's entrance

  2. Dang wonder what's going on. Thought crime was down in salisbury....

  3. Joe, please keep us abreast of the situation. Thanks

  4. There are 140 people listening to the scanner channel. That's a first and it's awesome!

  5. Was informed by mall security that it was all a bunch of high school age kids.

  6. Conceal carry is the only answer. Thugs know this isn't a gun friendly state. Therefore they will still cause mayhem .

  7. Ditto the above!!!!

  8. They are chasing a suspect, Timothy Cotton, a gang member thru the Newport Circle, Price st, Delaware Ave, area.
    K 9 is on the way.

  9. He shed his jacket, has a white T Shirt on and is running back to Delaware Ave.

  10. Just left the mall. Nothing but kids fighting everyone calm down

  11. Let me guess..."troubled youths" aka Obama's sons.

    1. Obama don't have anything to do with this situation, so leave his name out of it. Children are out of control now days because they can not be punish correctly, you get in trouble if you say the wrong thing to kids.

    2. People like you...fill n the blanks..apparently by your comment..u r quite troubled..so let me guess...satans daughter.. also apparently. .if its obamas son/sons as referenced to by u..they are GREAT..intelligent..and qualified to run the UNITED STATES..so thank you for the compliment...now..what if I bust your bubble n tell you they were...bush's kids...bwahhhh. .how u feelin now..gn

    3. Judging by these replies I'm certainly glad to see that our tax dollars are being well spent on teaching typing and grammar.

  12. one more reason to close the mall .... sad

  13. This is what happens when the public is repeatedly lied to about crime stats; it gets to a point that crime explodes and they can't cover it up anymore and are ill equipped to deal with it. Duncan's lies cost people's lives.

  14. Somebody call Al Sharpton

  15. The best part is that as these little pieces of garbage were being dispersed, they did nothing but jump on people's cars in the parking lot. But there's no reason to stereotype right? Working, tax paying citizens out spending money so obama can keep cutting their moms welfare checks every month, and what appreciation do you get? Some hood rat jumping on the hood of your car, damaging it. But I'm sure they left their contact info so they can compensate the owners for the damages

  16. Butt, Butt, Butt Jim Liarton and Jake Gay keep telling me that crime is down in Salisbury.

  17. They had police units responding from the Berlin area? Did they receive mutual aid from the Salisbury University police since they needed so many police officers?

  18. Little bastards. The world would immediately be a better place if they were shot on site. Not one bit of respect for anyone or anything.

    1. It's people like you who should have been at the mall getting jumped on and shot

    2. U need to.be shot for saying that.

  19. Obama's sons though?

    1. He don't have any son's.

    2. Thanks for that...he sure doesnt..to the idiot who posted it

    3. No crap he doesn't have any sons, It is in reference to Obama saying that if he had a son he would have been like that Trayvon kid. Now whose the idiot, catch up on current events before you make yourself look dumber than you appear.

    4. If he had a son he would have looked like.....all the kids fightin last night. Lol

  20. Start kicking some fn Ass.already.

  21. maybe the ppl with the ignorant mind sets need to be shot on site

  22. Hood rats? Lil bastards? Because they interrupting you good citizens while
    you were out SPENDING MONEY?? Do you hear yourselves?? A good citizen wouldn't be out spending money while others are unable to feed their families. These KIDS and that's what they are children probably have absolutely nothing. No resources, no help, no care and currently they are being shown by the system that not even their loves are sacred, they feel they can be shot dead at any moment and no one will care. They are acting out, I do not condone their behavior but Jesus Christ, the last thing this negative hate filled world needs is more of the same. Take a moment take a deep breathe and for one second try to understand what others may be going through. So much pain and suffering all around us, we must CHOOSE to be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. God bless you all

    1. Take a moment and re-read your comment....blatant ignorance. Are you REALLY going to SHAME people for spending THEIR money that they WORKED for? Let me break this down for you REAL simple...when people work, they earn a paycheck. That paycheck is taxed to complete hell. Part of those taxes go to SUPPORT these brats that are committing all of these CRIMES. So, yes, they are being supported. Know, with what LITTLE bit TAX PAYERS have left after paying for everyone else's food, housing, and healthcare, they have to somehow pay their bills. Every once in a while, there may be some extra to spend on THEMSELVES (I know, shame on them for wanting to spend THEIR money on THEMSELVES). Do you know what would happen if these soulless people stopped spending money? The economy would crash, even more than it already has. The stores would be forced to close because no one is buying anything, and a LOT more people would be out of work, which would force those left working to have even LESS for themselves because there would be so many more people then relying on the TAXPAYERS to pay for everything for them. So, save me the sob story about no one buying them food. I was raised that if you want/need something, you WORK FOR IT

    2. And did you really justify them breaking the law and scaring everybody, by saying they are just "acting out"??? Wow. There is a reason that officers profile certain people...look at who commits the most crime out of ALL of the races. I wish the black people would pull together, as a people, stop breaking the law, and actually create a GOOD name for themselves.

    3. Thank you..my sentiments exactly..

    4. ^^^AMEN!! I came from a poor home with nothing & worked my ass off for everything I have so they need to learn to do the same & you best believe I had a job at 14 years old!

    5. 12:01 awesome!!!! couldnt have said ot better myself

    6. It's not only black people committing crimes in Salisbury!

    7. Um...if you get an income tax REFUND you are not a TAX PAYER... Some of us use this title too loosely. ..smh. We some of us keep talking about government taking care of others...Well what about our government officials getting 6 and 7 figure income doing nothing as a public servant. That's a free check...what about these Dax deductions you are planning on claiming this tax year. We all get a slice of the welfare pie if you think about it.

    8. 10:43 you take the Lord's name in vain and end with God bless you all? A bit hypocritical don't you think?

    9. Did you really just say if you get a refund back you are not a tax payer? You are some kind of idiot. I pay over 20k in taxes a year and am lucky if I can get 5k back. And I work my ass off to make what I make. All so it can be taken and given to people who don't want to work. So maybe you should educate yourself more about taxes before you accuse people of not being "tax payers"

    10. @9:28 - do you work? I can't imagine you do, considering that you have no clue how taxes work. A tax refund is merely a return of your overpaid taxes. For example, if my work takes $6000 for taxes, and I only owe $5000 in taxes, I receive a $1000 refund. It's not welfare, any more than getting change at the store is welfare.

    11. So I work and bust my hump, with half my money being bled out to give these kid mommas welfare and I can't go out and enjoy time with my family because these turds are sad and can't eat? You are an idiot. Im sure everyone of those turds was wearing $200 sneakers and had cash for the movies, but that's okay. Dont want to oppress them by saying they can't jump on cars. What an idiot.

    12. Why? Because in addition to my own family im supposed to take care of yours because you lazy ones dont want to do it. Wake up you moron.

  23. First, this is awful. Thanks Joe for keeping us up to date. Now the people above he said they deserve to be shot on site, or called Jim or Jake names really need to think before speaking. I don't know Jim but Jacob day is a great guy...

  24. And the white teen's are all oding on heroin...

  25. Lucky I wasn't there at the movies with my kids they would have seen dad whip some thugs Ass.

  26. Are we talking 2 incidents here? Cops chasing one guy and kids fighting at the mall?

    This is happening all over America and is going to get worse. Thanks Obama for improving race relations you jerk.

  27. I hate this place. Thugs always at the mall. They take the whole aisle up when they are coming and expect you to back outta the way when they go by. I shoulder them every time.

  28. I love everyones anonymity. Put your name above your comments. I beg.

    1. What's your point tough guy.

    2. If my name was Jonas I would definitely be anonymous.

  29. They are in dire need a good old fashioned whooping.

    1. Plain and simple! They clearly lack home training and should try playing a sport, reading a book, getting a job.... something productive.

  30. 10:43 cry me a river.
    Their welfare mama pumped out a litter and is making more money than me, who works.
    I do not contribute holiday gifts to these supposed poor starving families because they have huge tv's, satellite, and every game system on the market. Again more than poor working me.
    I can't cry you a river because these selfish greedy lazy people had them and then didn't bother to raise them.
    Its your culture, it's what you do and then you cry cry cry, how we need to take pity on you and give you more.
    How ridiculous of you to chide people who were out spending their HARD EARNED money and not throwing at your entitled "give me" more people.

    What has bad behavior have to do with starving anyhow?

    This is your culture coming full circle, and of course, its never your fault, is it.

  31. 10:43
    If they have no money how did they get to the mall? Why were they at the SHOPPING MALL in the first place if they have no money? Keep making excuses and trying to justify bad behavior and it will get worse! People need to be accountable for their own actions. With all the help that is given away for free. I doubt there is any child starving in Salisbury.

  32. Haha that's why its so many white kids coked out and shooting dope in the veins dieing ...

    1. I couldn't have said that any better!!

    2. At least they are harming themselves, not shooting others. And I hate to break it to ya, but where do you think they get it???? Process that one

    3. Everyone knows where they get it

  33. Why does everything have to be turned into a white versus black thing. Bad behavior is just that no matter what color you ate. People should be able to spend the money they earn in a safe place. If they don't shop there the mall will definitely close. Then more people won't have money to feed their families . How will that help the community?

  34. This is the first time I have ever read comments on here. I don't know what went on tonight but I am disappointed and saddened by what I have read. How did we go from being good neighbors keeping each other informed to being a group of rude people starting arguments and swing rude, racial and ignorant accusing things to each other? Maybe this is where some of these children are learning their behaviors. From those who criticize the most. Just a thought....

    1. I agree. How can we call others names and talk about all the wrong they do when the parents who should be teaching them better are on here doing exactly what they don't want others to do. I don't get it. The race doesn't matter, all races cause problems and the problems start from the adults in the community.

  35. Why does everything have to be turned into a race issue. This is a behavior issue. Shouldn't you be able to go to the mall and by your kid some shoes without putting them in a dangerous situation. Don't the people that work in the mall to support their families have a right to feel safe at work?

  36. This is happening everywhere in the U.S. and it's flames are being fanned by the POS in the WH for a reason.., Martial Law. Obama wants this disorder so he can declare an emergency and implement martial law, it just isn't big enough.., yet. But, it's getting that way.

    1. Obama has nothing to do with fighting at the mall. I blame the parents.

  37. Parents need to keep tabs on their kids. Letting them do anything they want. It's sad how these kids are being raised

  38. So, let me get this straight. When these kids act out in public, it's the parents' fault. When they act out in schools, it's the overpaid teachers' fault?

    1. It takes a community to raise a community

    2. IT takes a thug to earn a beat down,liberal.

  39. What's surprising is that the Cracker Barrel company wants to go there with all the problems under the new owner.

  40. 1:16 Anonymous said...
    Judging by these replies I'm certainly glad to see that our tax dollars are being well spent on teaching typing and grammar.

    You the same troll that keeps posting this crap on every important conversation? Since you never have anything significant to contribute why don't you just STFU? Because as far as I can tell, our tax dollars were not well spent on your education either, since you are not capable of being anything other than an ignorant a$$.

    Over critical non-contributing sheeple like you are also a drain on society.

  41. And we fill the schools with these animals and wonder why our teachers can't teach anymore. The schools have become a welfare house. We give them 2 meals a day now and babysit them all day. We have also let the teachers union fill our schools with ultra liberal teachers that support a welfare state.

    1. Who ever said the kids came from welfare houses? 1) Black and Whites come from welfare houses. 2) some of the kids that have the best lives are the one who act out not the ones who come from bad families. I came from a house where I didn't have everything I wanted. My parents received help from the state. I got older and never once have I been in any kind of trouble. I work. I go to school. I pay for everything myself with no help. A friend of mine grew up with everything she could ask for. Only child. Parents with good jobs. Car at 16. Never had any real responsibilities. She ended up being on pills and coke. Always stayed in trouble that her parents kept bailing her out of. But to here people on here speak. Me, the "welfare kid" , I am suddenly classified as the bad one because I came from a welfare household.

  42. Lock up the parents, 1145 for teens?

  43. I really think the problem is these kids and thugs watch movies like Selma and with emotions running high start this fighting bs. Even though it happens fifty years ago. And the blacks have been the preferred race for the past thirty years with affirmative action and other preferences given them.

  44. Thanks Ginn, very true. But remember Obama is merely the figure head puppet no different than Bush. Cloward and Piven

  45. Why is it that when something like this goes down. It's the President's fault, and not our own. We our responsible for our own actions. If you want change, it's starts at home. The parents need to be more involved with their children. Don't use the mall as a babysitter. All races need to learn to love each other.
    Back to the drawing board, or bible, we need to go.
    placing more Christian brotherhood through out our town.

  46. Oh my goodness! These comments are coming from adults who are talking about teenagers?? Sickening!

  47. Send the dogs after those people it is the only thing that they will run from.

  48. It should be noted, when it comes to comments about Police shooting anyone, the Police prepared bean bag bullets and were prepared to shoot suspects with them. NOT BULLETS

  49. Here in lies the problem: all these mean spirited comments aside - I am in my 60's and it has gotten to the point where I do not go into malls, shopping centers, movie theatres, sports venues, etc after 5:00PM. Harken back to 1996 when shots rang out in the Centre just before Christmas. It is just too dangerous. Even in parking lots as witnessed in the news lately.

    You can come up with all sorts or sociological and economic explanations and justifications but the fact is, the more this stuff happens, it just more just more reason for me and my wife to stay home. Who loses in that situation? Not us, I feel the community loses because we are not out spending money or participating in "family friendly" events. Who would want to move to the Salisbury area with all this going on? I tell you, its getting worse and the sooner the powers to be recognize the prejudice, racism, hatred, and criminal behavior directly affects the quality of life in this town, the better. Boy I tell you what, this place needs prayer in the worst kind of way. We are in a world of trouble and I see it getting worse. Just my opinion. thanks.

  50. I went to the Centre at Salisury last night to watch a movie. Prior to the start of the movie, I took a short stroll in the mall building.

    I have only been to the Centre a few times in the last couple of years and was shocked at the number of hoodlums there.

    My suggestion to the parents who just drop their kids off there...wake up and take a look before you do it again...especially parents who have daughters

  51. Anyone who thinks "no money is spent on these kids" is delusional. Public schools spend almost every cent of funding on at risk, out of control kids like the ones described here. Other kids get close to nothing.

    1. My taxes go to the schools. They eat free and their parents are home cracking. Lol. This whole town is a joke.

  52. If your refund is less than you paid in, you are a taxpayer! Just because you get a refund doesn't put you on the public payout system! I make a reasonable salary, and through withholding, I still get back a little. What amazes me is the people who barely work, through earned income credits, getting back more than they paid in!

  53. If your refund is less than you paid in, you are a taxpayer! Just because you get a refund doesn't put you on the public payout system! I make a reasonable salary, and through withholding, I still get back a little. What amazes me is the people who barely work, through earned income credits, getting back more than they paid in!

  54. It's funny how people change the subject in this forum. But, you went there... what about all the people on welfare and gov. helplease and unemployment. Maybe they should be drug tested before receiving such monies.

    1. Agreed. Bet 90% wouldn't get it then.

  55. Need more gun carry permits, it's a proven deterrent. Thugs will think twice before jumping someone because they don't know who is armed and who is not!!

  56. Funny how all the libs who complain about the poor poor oppressed people are the exact ones double locking their doors and afraid to go outside at night because they're scared to death of the people they're trying to protect. The mind of a liberal, more mysterious and troubling than the deepest galaxy far far away!!

  57. All liberals Please post your address its hug a thug century we want you to open your doors and wallets. .Fools don't come knocking on my republican armed door.

  58. At what point does anyone realize an officer dropped his gun belt in a foot chase. Not his flashlight! Lmao.

  59. Theese riots are happening all over the country. Look up white girl bleed alot and you will see. Salisbury has become a part of it now. Beginning of the end. Its starting in the schools now as well. Just like the kids that beat the 83 year old man got off, there are no consequences for their actions. These mall thugs will get nothing for all the trouble they caused. Insurance companies will pay for the damaged cars and raise your rates. Your taxes paid for the police response. And their "mamas" will keep collecting free money. Maybe we can take wefare money away for bad behavior.

  60. People make this about race because it IS about race. I'm always amused by the white liberals crying foul over race. I guarantee you've never been around people like this, and have no idea who they are, or what they are about. It's not a black thing, it's a "thug" thing. Young blacks have a distorted view of life, and as hard as it may be for some to believe, it's no white persons fault. The music and culture promotes this false sense of "gangsterism". Real gangsters havent been around since the 30's, or at least since the mob stopped being so prevalent. What you have now are a bunch of wannabes, who listen to music made by fake thugs about being a thug, and decide that's who they want to be. If you think they need so much "help" or support, walk down to their "hood" at night. Offer them a job, and see how you get laughed at.

  61. They don't want a job. They want free stuff without working. Cap welfare benefits at one or two kids.

  62. I love when these hippie liberals get on here trying to defend " obamas sons". All I can say is that I was riding through the lot right as cope were dispersing them and I just wish I would have come out and seen one of these wannabe thugs on the hood of my car. Because I wouldn't have waited for police help. Their a++'s would have been snatched up and slammed on the concrete. Problem is, too many people are afraid of them in this town and elsewhere just because of their skin color. People need to learn how to stand up for and defend themselves better. Because apparently their EBT card holdin parents are too lazy to discipline them and teach them right from wrong anyway. Oh but they'll buy them the newest Jordan's coming out though, on your dollar of course....

  63. Heyyy Hooo section 8 has got to go !

  64. we all need to start carrying around mace, and vido camara's. Maybe their parents should be held responsible.


    1. Ohhhhh please any of those thugs come by me or my kids there will be Ass kicking and.I will be the one doing it.

    2. Don't run from them and acquiesce pieces of our city. Deal with them head on from here out. Never "let the thugs have" anything. Time to take back this town by not backing down.

  66. Got tired of being screwed.
    single. so, i keep my income less tha a certain amount. pay into a roth ira, and get 50 percent of that paid as a tax deduction. and get all mt federal income tax back. and pay very little state and local.
    plus, make just enough to qualify for the best obomacare policy with subsidies there is.

    got tired of busting my ass for nothing. did that for 30 years and said enough is enough. the heck with pride.
    so, you all pay for it now.

  67. I have to wonder. How many of the kids involved were local, and how many were gang imports from the inner harbor area in Baltimore.

  68. Excellent comment: Carry and be prepared to use pepper spray.
    SHALL ISSUE Gov Hogan.

  69. 9:28 have you lost your mind? Mosteople who get a refund worked all year and overpaid the government. The government actuall got a year long, 0% interest loan from those who break their balls everyday to support themselves and their families. At the end of the year they get a small portion - that which they overpaid - back. They still paid taxes. In amounts large enough to come close to paying for half of what the scumbag losers spend. They borrow the rest. If you want to overpay the government and let them keep it, go right ahead. A better plan would be to estimate what you should pay and arrange to have the proper amount taken from you check at the end of your pay period. And at the end of the year no one would owe the govt anything and the govt wouldn't owe you anything. I do not like the idea of loaning the govt money for free. Do you?

  70. 1:18 is exhibit A for the fall of America by design. The hard workers eventually succumb to the welfare state.

  71. Carry a tazer and or mace c'mon Hogan.

  72. @11:50 You nailed it !!

  73. If you want to see who is committing crimes in Salisbury, go sit in court on Friday mornings. That may clear up the race debate.

    1. Dang. Proof is in the pudding. It won't clear up the debate, however. It will form an excuse.

  74. There is another incident tonight, Sunday, at mall.

  75. This really isn't about blacks, whites, taxes, income, or anything in the mix. There are exceptions to all of these things. Two very different children can come out of the same exact home life. What it really is about when it comes down to it is expectations, follow-throughs, and consequences for both correct and incorrect actions. This is through parenting, school systems, and law enforcement. Parents at home need to guide an expectation and model being accountable for an action, teachers need to follow through with everything in their classroom, and the law needs to show immediate response rather than given someone a second chance to have a second chance at a second chance.

    I'm a teacher and I see that every single child that has a parent, a teacher, or a school administrator that consistently doesn't follow through, hold the student accountable, or makes an excuse for an action, this creates HUGE problems for the student. Students NEED to experience the chance to fail. Parents NEED to stop coming in the schools to go after a teacher for their child's failure, and teachers NEED to show love and support to every student. No, I did not give your child a D, he or she earned it fair and square. My classroom has several really misbehaved students that do it elsewhere, not in my classroom. It took me a long time to get there and my class isn't always perfect, but is sure is going in the right direction.

    As a society, we're really giving too many chances for problems to be excused and we're raising these behaviors by always trying to point fingers at everyone else but ourselves. Sorry, folks. It's all of our faults as a society that this is happening. Just look at this feed. I haven't seen ONE person say, "Hey, maybe I can do this." Look at the bitter children we're raising. They learn from us to point fingers REAL quick. I'm honestly at a loss, I'm still working my hardest to educate, however, I will never be able to fix the "I have a right."

    It looks by this feed that the the only thing that can unite us now is an alien invasion. At least we'll be on the same page, right? That concept is just as far fetched as us taking ownership of these actions that have happened. I'm personally going to try to model better and try to coexist with all races, religions, and cultures as safely as I can. Since when did good walls actually make good neighbors?

  76. figures a teacher, needs to have good morals, not believe in Aliens.

    When you took GOD out of the school, the American flag, pledge to allegiance. You screwed the country.

    Maybe the teachers should stop having sex with the students, and start teaching the real USA history, and then maybe then.... it will change.

    Liberal teachers ARE the issue.

  77. WMDT downplayed this incident big time this morning on the local news. "A fight broke out between two males", police responded and arrested the youths." Wow, no big deal apparently. I feel so much safer now...


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