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Sunday, January 11, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: At least 10 dead in shooting at Paris magazine office, Fox confirms

Police officials tell Fox News that at least 10 people have died following a shooting at the offices of satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo .



  1. Same place that was burned for posting cartoons of the pedophile mohammad.

  2. Terrorist attack france stand your ground or get taken over by Islam.

  3. It's time for the free world to band together and stop this crap

  4. Today it will be interesting to see if and how Obama responds to this.In America we will only be allowed to see the French response and the US response and at some point during the day hear from those who claim to be responsible.Someone may have taken credit already for it,who knows? Any statement condemning this attack is an extension of our freedoms in the US to the rest of the world.We simply cannot control what other countries do.

    1. France will bend over and take it.

  5. Time to start calling Islam what it is and that is a cult. Only a brainwashed fool still calls it a religion.

  6. 8:04 What do you expect?
    In a roundabout, passive aggressive way, his usual style, Obama will condemn the killing while suggesting we not offend Islam.

  7. Western style freedom and Islam are incompatible. Unfortunately, western thinking has been poisoned such that this beyond our understanding. It will take another 9/11 to awaken the West, and I have doubts as to whether even that will do it.

  8. It's time to offend them and offend them good. No such thing as a good 'peace loving' muslim.
    It's been said that the 'peace loving' muslims are afraid to speak out, and if this is the case then no decent person would ever identify with a 'religion' they are afraid of and are all bad people who don't deserve to breath the same air as those who live in a freedom loving country.
    Christians came out swinging when the federal building was bombed by McVeigh in the name of Christian Identity as they do against the Westboro Baptist 'church.' This is how decent people act and not like those belonging to the cult of islam. Nothing but a bunch of brainwashexd good for nothings.

  9. This is WHY we have to keep a presence in the Middle East. They have been wanting to take over the world since Day 1. We can't allow terrorist training camps to exist. We have to get serious about those with US passports who visit these countries with known terrorist ties.
    These gunmen were well trained, no doubt having spent time training somewhere in the Middle East and no doubt they hold French passports and possibility even French citizens.

  10. Blah. Blah. Blah. They told you not to insult the prophet. The magazine decided that it must offend 1 billion people to generate controversy and sales. And now a price has been paid.

    Welcome to the real world. Where violating another's principles and sensibilities can come with a cost.

    Would anyone else care to continue throwing rocks at the wasp nest? Go for it. Just understand that when Muslims tell you we will fight, kill and die to defend our prophet we mean it.

    You do not have to insult our prophet to disagree with our religion.

    If I disagree with how you raise your children should I come to your house and insult your mother? Of course not.

    Lesson learned.

  11. Go back to your cave and the fake prophet, lock and load people.

  12. 10:15 Wrong. This is why we pull out and nuke them. Religion is so messed up in todays world.

  13. 8:59-I just saw his press statement.he did exactly as you said he would.Good call

  14. The prophet obama has spoke.

  15. Round ALL muslims up and send them back bc the so called moderate muslims DON'T EXIST.

  16. Actually France has taken quite a strong stance against the Islamization of France. They arrest those women who wear the full face covering getup. France has take a much stronger stance than the US.

  17. Oh you make it sound so simple 11:16. Whether you insult them or not they will still perform these types of terrorism.
    Get it through you head-THEY WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
    I'll say it again-THEY WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
    Acts such as this are to instill fear in people so they become more compliant. When people become compliant they are more easily controlled.
    Ever single newspaper and media outlet in the free world should stand in solidarity and print the "offensive" cartoons on their front page tomorrow then hire security that will shoot first and ask questions later. Send them a message and see how quick they change their tune. Happened when we nuked Japan. Got to show those uncivilized who is in charge.

  18. "Anonymous said...
    10:15 Wrong. This is why we pull out and nuke them. Religion is so messed up in todays world.

    January 7, 2015 at 11:48 AM"

    Maybe not a bad idea. Kill every single one of them and let the area start over. Get rid of the old blood and bring in new. Do the same as we did to Japan. Now they are making cars and electronics and everything else instead of being like a 3rd world country still.

  19. 1:42
    There are several orders on magnitude MORE and more RADICAL muslims in France than in the US. That's a huge difference!

  20. 2:24
    Before I begin I'd ask you to give a solid definition of what terrorism is. Because it seems to me Americas definition of terrorism is when Americans kill its justice, when others kill its terrorism.

    You are the only people in the world arrogant enough and dumbed down to the point where you can go to someone else's country, start murdering them and then declare the victim the terrorist.

    Muslims have not a single cell more determined to take over the world than the America government.


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