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Sunday, January 04, 2015

Bennett Middle School Turning Out To Be A Massive Cluster...

"A hydric soil is a soil that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part."

In 2012 we published this story and this story warning the public of just some of the obvious problems with the chosen location.

It turns out, not only is the delivery of the new Bennett Middle School going to be held back for quite a bit of time, contractors have been held back for months because the land, (as we originally stated) will NOT drain.

Oh, that's only the beginning. We've been informed that the second floor concrete is already cracking, also as we stated it would in our original articles.

To top it all off, Fredericksen had a geothermal heating and a/c system put in. Guess what, IT DOESN'T WORK! Not only does it not work, they're actually talking about putting in a boiler system instead. 

So MILLIONS of dollars have been spent to deliver an efficient HVAC system and because the engineer designed it with the underground pipes too close to each other, scrap the whole thing and replace it with something else. 

Now, while some of you might be thinking, County Executive Bob Culver needs to do something about this, WRONG! When I mentioned this to Mr. Culver he had never heard a word about it. Like you, I said, WHY? It turns out, Fredericksen is in charge of the whole thing and does NOT answer to the County, only to the state. 

While it was Bob Culver who voted AGAINST this project because of its location and the soil issues, from what I gathered from his response he seemed quite upset. Yet he reminded me that there was NOTHING he could do about it. 

It's a shame that while Fredericksen has to come to the County to move the original project through, he has no commitment to keep the County abreast of how the project is going, or not going. 

Your Maryland Tax Dollars hard at work. You know what Ladies & Gentlemen, THIS is exactly the problem with LIBERALS running this sate. You have people in charge who have NO CLUE what they are doing and when things completely screw up, when we try to EDUCATE them well in advance, they seem to be smarter then us and when they FAIL, oh well, who gives a crap, it's only money. Long Live Hogan and Culver!


  1. I want to know who.AUTHORIZED this site on which to build this school on ? Who got the contract and kick back???

  2. How is this school going to open for the winter with No.Heat.
    What idiots allowed this school to be built on WATER.........

  3. 1:41-Good point.Even if it was voted on someone had to authorize it.

  4. This is why our school system is boke..academically and fiscally..WASTE

  5. Poor kids,this will cost the Tax Payers more $$$ this is why the BOE council needs to be abolished ,Idiot fredrickson.

  6. This entire project highlights everything that is wrong with the system. Build a huge school with a mostly welfare population with 0 accountability and so called free state money and this is what you get. Hopefully this will cost dr fast Freddy his job.


  8. Responsibility rests with the engineering firms who designed plans. Lawyers will get richer!

  9. The school system in the county will do anything to silence anyone who opposes them! Kids hurt by teachers!!!!! Arrest the parent for following Fredricksons system and receiving no responses. Then when the parent had enough and flips out on someone arrest them. How do we rid ourselves of his regime?

  10. So they build a new school because the other one was sooooooo hot in the summer time. Now they have a school with NO heat and No AC. You just can't make this stuff up.

  11. 2:22 move from maryland seems to be the only option

  12. I remember vividly when SBYnews broke the story about BMS site having water saturated soils. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, when the funding hearings this project were being held, there were several parties that also brought this to light. And yet the BOE proceeded callously.

  13. I thought the voters voted NOT to build the school several years ago? If I'm not mistaken the county council went ahead with it even after the voters decided we didn't have the money right now to do it?

  14. Simple solution. What company did the perk testing and follow the money. Who owned the land? When the new fire dept. was built, former City Engineer Pete Cooper warned that the land was a bog. In point of fact, at one point the land had been used for the city Maintenance facility and it had to be relocated. So I believe I am correct that the new firehouse is actually built on driven pilings. That land was once known as "The Cranberry Bog".

  15. When you think you're always the smartest person in the room . . .

  16. The county should now cut off all funds to this school system. They decided to go forth and made bad decisions all the way. It's now their baby to deal with. WE, the people, the taxpayers should NOT be paying for their mistakes on a continual basis. We are already being squeezed. Let them live with it.

  17. Well, if they are as transparent as they want the public to believe, where is the superintendent's OP-ED piece on this cluster?

  18. I know what I'm about to say is a bit off topic but I think each and eery one of you should think about it.

    Yesterday we announced the FACT that we exceeded 25,000,000 hits in 2014.

    Now, the FACT that this article has absolutely SOARED into the Top 5 articles of the entire WEEK in just a couple of hours should in fact scare the living crap out of Fredericksen and rightfully so.

    Yes Mr. Fredericksen, that many people have already viewed it and that many people are now paying attention.

    The Daily Times, WBOC and WMDT have NOTHING on us any more. You just keep running to your personalized media sources, we don't care any more. Everyone now knows who's #1 on the Shore any more. Just ask yourself, have ANY of you heard about ANY of the local news we published today from any of the above?

  19. Thanks Joe. As the 3:40 comment, just follow the history of the land. I don't think the land would perk for residential building either. Most of the land in that area had to be annexed into the city for water and sewer before it could be built on.

  20. The problem rests with the support staff who did the initial research and then recommended this site to Dr. Frederickson and the Board.

  21. Whatever they do or say, please remember the superintendent and the board of ed. are not responsible. An underling will always get the blame. Maximum power at the top with zero accountability is the mantra.

  22. Just because Fredericksen is the head of BOE doesn't mean he's an architect, engineer or building contractor. He has no business being in charge of the building of a school.

  23. HOW could this have Passed perk tests and who red lighted the project i bet its a friend of a friend right POLLITT.?

  24. Can we say Prettyman who changed her vote to become a FOP?

  25. There is no fixing this screw up. However, the right people need to get the blame. That includes those council members who supported this insane decision to build on bad soil. Prettyman was the key vote, so she gets the most blame. Hope it was worth it Prettyman. Sold out your county for a few cheap compliments from a bunch of users. You have NO legacy after 16 years but negativity.

  26. Next thing you know - the BOE will be coming to the CC seeking supplementary funding for costs overruns. Then - the County will be placed in the predicament of going back to the bond market, saddling taxpayers with more debt.

  27. Wasn't the council warned that this site was bad? Didn't Pollitt get another opinion so they could build on that site? This sounds corrupt to me. WHY did Prettyman change her vote? What was in it for her? This is exactly why people voted out Pollitt. Too bad Strasburg, Hall and MHolloway are still around. Cannon is a problem too as he is buddies with Strasburg. Culver needs to clean house of those he can.

  28. Councilman Joe Holloway and Culver both voted no on this. Matt Holloway voted for it. Thanks Stevie Prettyman screwed the taxpayers glad you are gone.

  29. Culver voted against this site. Gains Hawkins tried to trash him in the Daily Rag over it. Culver is the only person who was using his brain on this one. Other RINO council members should hang their heads in embarrassment, but they are too arrogant to do so. They need to be taken to the woodshed for not protecting our tax dollars.

  30. i guess this means even if Bob Culver plans to attend the ribbon cutting event he will have time to change his flat tire that Gain Hawkins wished would happen on his Christmas wish list. or was it an Xmas wish list?

  31. I have been saying it on all four projects, the Civic Center parking, the selling of the old fire house, the new Fire House and the Middle School it was all about the "GOOD OLE BOYS" having worthless land. The only way to get top dollar for it was to give kick backs selling to a Government Agency. Everyone involved should be sued. The ones pushing these projects, architects, ones that approved them and anyone else responsible from the passage to completion. These projects are in my opinion misappropriation of Tax dollars, dereliction of office and malfeasance of office. There should be lawsuits galore on behalf of the Tax Payers. I for one would be one to sign on. Yes I am harmed by the misappropriation of my TAX DOLLARS. Supporters, if I remember right, were Fredericksen, Pollitt, Conway and Mathias that were pushing the hardest. From there list continues and everyone should be held liable.

  32. Who owned the land purchased for Bennett Middle

  33. Wasn't it the Houlihans?

  34. I don't live in city limits of Fruitland, but can see this school from my front yard. Drainage is a problem in this area...all you have to do is look. No studies are needed, this land is near/on swamp type land...

  35. Anonymous said...
    So they build a new school because the other one was sooooooo hot in the summer time. Now they have a school with NO heat and No AC. You just can't make this stuff up.

    January 2, 2015 at 2:33 PM

    There was nothing wrong with the old BMS. It should have been renovated. As a matter of fact before tearing it down the building should be used for BOE needs.

  36. Anonymous said...

    January 2, 2015 at 2:07 PM

    A stupid comment from the clueless. That is like saying the States Attorney's office should fall under the County Executive. To totally different bodies of government.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Simple solution. What company did the perk testing and follow the money. Who owned the land? When the new fire dept. was built, former City Engineer Pete Cooper warned that the land was a bog. In point of fact, at one point the land had been used for the city Maintenance facility and it had to be relocated. So I believe I am correct that the new firehouse is actually built on driven pilings. That land was once known as "The Cranberry Bog".

    January 2, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    Yes and it was used as a landfill. With that said large pockets of gas and toxic fumes delayed the construction and cost millions. They also found car parts as they were digging.

    The foundation is sitting on large pilings and the floor is cracking with cracks come seepage of toxic fumes. But!! But supposedly a rubber cover was put down to prevent these toxic fumes from seeping through. We know what happens to rubber eventually. Those toxic fumes are going to cause cancer so I wouldn't want to be an employee in that building.

    There is a Terror Trail and it leads to David See, Rick Hoppes and the Notorious Bill Gordy. You know the guy who is now the general contractor of the new Salisbury Fire Station on Brown Street.

  38. Anonymous said...
    There is no fixing this screw up. However, the right people need to get the blame. That includes those council members who supported this insane decision to build on bad soil. Prettyman was the key vote, so she gets the most blame. Hope it was worth it Prettyman. Sold out your county for a few cheap compliments from a bunch of users. You have NO legacy after 16 years but negativity.

    January 2, 2015 at 5:36 PM

    The school wasn't going to be built because the county didn't have the funding. Stevie Prettyman can get the blame, but she isn't the only one. Matt Holloway is the President of the County Council who caved in and called for a special meeting to vote on this. Stevie and Matt are the blame and those Clowns on the new Council voted Matt Holloway as their Vice President. Shame on them.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Wasn't the council warned that this site was bad? Didn't Pollitt get another opinion so they could build on that site? This sounds corrupt to me. WHY did Prettyman change her vote? What was in it for her? This is exactly why people voted out Pollitt. Too bad Strasburg, Hall and MHolloway are still around. Cannon is a problem too as he is buddies with Strasburg. Culver needs to clean house of those he can.

    January 2, 2015 at 6:14 PM

    You are exactly on target. Cannon is a RINO and a problem.

  40. I know this is also a little off the subject , but here goes.
    WE all know the school is now a money pit like the wastewater in the bury.
    Having said that , we should consider other alternatives for this building screw up.
    1. make it a prison , we sure will need it with the no law in affect now.
    2. prisoners need less heat or air condition.
    3. cracking concrete wouldn't be an issue.
    4. it's in the right neck of the woods , for addition workers .
    5. it's for the prisoners , not the children.
    Don't you just love our Wicomico school system , NOT!!!

  41. Maybe not under county control, but held accountable and responsible for their spending habits. Joe you need to continue to post P-card expenditures by both executives office and BOE.

  42. I feel vindicated, I usually don't know much about property, land use etc., just a mom that lives in Fruitland and drives by that piece of property often
    . When they first released that they were going to build the school on that lot, I said "it's a muddy mess, it should be protected wetlands, not a school!" Sometimes the moms in the area are pretty smart.

  43. Typically most board of education groups use a small selection of architects centered in the Baltimore Washington area. They only design buildings not do complete engineering site works or utilities. Similar to what happened at the treatment plant the local engineering groups either Davis,Bowen Friedel or George Miles Buhr would have preformed soil testing to ensure the structure and foundation would work at that site

  44. At least were getting a new athletic stadium at the old BMS the county students needed that. Now all we need is some decent coaching and maybe our kids can compete with the western shore. Teacher coaches are not working.

  45. Was there anyone in Fruitland who didn't know this land doesn't drain? Let's see . . . anyone in county government at the time who might have been familiar with Fruitland?

  46. 1:43 = Nothing wrong with the old BMS? When was the last time you were in the building, 1981? The place is falling apart and temperatures regularly get over 95 degrees in the spring. Bet you have A/C in your office.

  47. The superintendent and board are always amazed that folks think they are not transparent. What have they said about this latest mess? Anything yet about central office folks being moved to rented space in vacant stores?

  48. Anonymous said...
    1:43 = Nothing wrong with the old BMS? When was the last time you were in the building, 1981? The place is falling apart and temperatures regularly get over 95 degrees in the spring. Bet you have A/C in your office.

    January 3, 2015 at 9:15 AM

    Yes I go in that building quite often. Yes it is falling apart, but whose fault is that? It's your fault for not reporting it. It's the Principals fault for not demanding that something is done about it. It is the Superintendents fault for not doing anything about it. It is the Board of Educations fault for not doing anything about it.

    This mentality has been going on for to long and now it's time to change that. We have a new County Executive and some new County Council members who want answers. Why was this building allowed to fall apart? Why was Prince Street allowed to fall apart? Why was West Salisbury allowed to fall apart?

    Even though those schools are falling apart it's an easy fix. When your house needs repairs you don't let it stay in disrepair? You fix it, not build a new house. We should fix Bennett Middle School instead of building a new one. We are tire of hearing lame excuses as to why we need to build new schools or why we can't renovate old schools. Your excuses are lame and this will change.

    By the way if you don't like your job no one is forcing you to stay there! What about police officers that have to chase your criminal thugs in the 95 degree heat! Quit whining and feel fortunate that you have a job with a roof over your head.

  49. Anonymous said...
    At least were getting a new athletic stadium at the old BMS the county students needed that. Now all we need is some decent coaching and maybe our kids can compete with the western shore. Teacher coaches are not working.

    January 3, 2015 at 8:40 AM

    That would be "we're getting" not "were getting."

    By the way there is plenty of room on the current Bennett High property for a new stadium.

  50. Anonymous said...
    The superintendent and board are always amazed that folks think they are not transparent. What have they said about this latest mess? Anything yet about central office folks being moved to rented space in vacant stores?

    January 3, 2015 at 1:36 PM

    That is what they are planning. Their plan is to move into the old Toys R Us building at the Twilley Shopping Center. They will sign a contract and then remodel at a cost of $1 Million dollars or more and then the cost of the annual lease. They just haven't asked the County Council for the money yet. This is when they should wait and move into the old Bennett Middle School. DUH!!

  51. 8:42, are you talking about Pollitt?

  52. Wait a second..

    Why don't they use Wi-Middle since they are closing it to the students???? It already "belongs" to them.

    Don't give me the crap, they are closing it bc of the facility it self. Just last month, they were talking about using it as a swing school for Beaver Run and East.

    The Boe is a joke.

  53. Let's see…….There were 2 parcels of land to be considered for the new BHS. One on Dykes Rd./Snow Hill Rd…..and the one chosen in Fruitland. The previous owners were the Houlihan's. But….guess where the Houlihan's LIVE……ON DYKES Rd. They couldn't have a school built next to them!!!! SO the parcel in Fruitland was "chosen". Tom Houlihan (RIP) had plans to extend his mobile home park on that parcel in Fruitland but it never came to fruition, now I know why.

    BTW…..Before the Houlihan's lived on Dykes Rd they lived in the SU president's residence house. Just follow the money……...

  54. Surely the board of ed and superintendent can't wonder why folks think they aren't transparent if the Toys R Us comment is accurate. They know the public hasn't been told even though public meetings are being held on the facilities plan.

  55. If this isn't enough justification to dump Fredericksen I have no idea what it would take. Then just follow the money and sue every last one of them. Start with the lender and appraiser that put the loan together. The property was over valued by at least 5 times because of the site evaluation. The the design team.....on down the line. When the heat gets hot enough someone will spill the beans..... The tax payers should get stuck with this obvious abuse of power and good ole boys networking!

  56. Who was the appraiser?

  57. I believe I know but wouldn't want to say on here in case I'm wrong......that wouldn't be fair

  58. 3:31 and the rest of the readership

    Please allow me to share a few details as this is such a topic of interest...

    First, all BOE projects are vetted to the lowest minimum bid. This means in many cases substandard contracts and very poor build quality. The Facilities department, headed by Mr. Brian F all stand behind the words "Industry Standard" which is nothing more than the lowest minimum build bid and quality. With regard to Prince Street, the Mid Hall began to buckle almost immediately (less than 6 months) revealing a very marbled and warped flooring surface leading to the bus ramp - in short, it was the same issue as BMS...in fact, in places it was worse. The original building had exactly 57 foundation cracks ( I counted them personally) and the build over did nothing more than smooth and resurface this. The center of the cracking occurred on 9/17/2010 and continued for the length of the time that the "under contract" time allowed for the punch list. Brian F. blew over this and moved on with it, allowing for this situation to get worse. At the current time, it is a mess - even the hogshair scrubbing pads cannot buff out the surface (these are extremely durable pads and very expensive - when they get ripped up, there is a major surface problem as their buffing surfaces can hide just about any flaw with no problem - when they get destroyed there is a major underlying problem) - This has been an issue with all builds and there is no oversite at all.


  59. Anonymous said...
    Wait a second..

    Why don't they use Wi-Middle since they are closing it to the students???? It already "belongs" to them.

    Don't give me the crap, they are closing it bc of the facility it self. Just last month, they were talking about using it as a swing school for Beaver Run and East.

    The Boe is a joke.

    January 3, 2015 at 5:22 PM

    They think they are closing Wi Middle to use it as a swing school because a hand picked "Facilities Task Force" recommended it. Guess what, they think a new school will be built every 2 years so they can use Wi Middle as a swing school. Who is going to pay for these new schools? That facilities task force report is full of crap. It is not policy and closing down all these schools just so they can force the County Council to pay for new schools isn't going to fly in my book. The can all GTH!!

  60. Anonymous said...
    Surely the board of ed and superintendent can't wonder why folks think they aren't transparent if the Toys R Us comment is accurate. They know the public hasn't been told even though public meetings are being held on the facilities plan.

    January 4, 2015 at 12:35 PM

    The Toy R Us comment is accurate. I heard it myself from a central office employee who doesn't like having her office in the portables next to the BOE office. They are letting those portables rot instead of repairing them so they can get a new office building. If you ride by their now on Mt. Hermon Road you can see they have temporarily replaces some of the plywood siding.

  61. The old BMS would be a great spot for a new county stadium.

  62. Wetlands conservation is all over private developers but do nothing to government projects.

  63. 5:25 What is wrong with the current County stadium. What would it take to make you people happy. Appears to me they need to concentrate on education, and not on fancy buildings and stadiums.

  64. Sounds to me it's time for an elected school board. It is long overdue. The people of this county need to know the truth as well as the BOE employees. They too don't know the whole truth. It happens in every department. For example look at how people are promoted. Coordinator of Infants and Toddlers program becomes a Supervisor of Special Education overnight and the job wasn't posted. Sound fishy?? An elected school board would respond differently to situations like that rather than cover ups. The whole BMS scandal is Brian Foret at work...once again!

  65. Until the school system goes private it will never be quality so you might as well just accept that. So in the mean time lets build the kids a new stadium and maybe spend some money on coaching and improve Salisbury sports.

  66. Anonymous said...
    Until the school system goes private it will never be quality so you might as well just accept that. So in the mean time lets build the kids a new stadium and maybe spend some money on coaching and improve Salisbury sports.

    January 4, 2015 at 8:21 PM

    Build the kids a new stadium? You are a damn idiot! Building the kids a new stadium will cost millions of dollars. Who the Hell is going to pay for it. By the way only a small percentage of kids will get to benefit from any stadium.

  67. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The old BMS would be a great spot for a new county stadium.

    January 4, 2015 at 5:24 PM

    I wonder what idiot board employee this is?

  68. A new stadium would be awesome what a great idea.

  69. Stadium Stadium Stadium !

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