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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Barack Obama Floated A Blockbuster Policy Change In His State Of The Union That Almost Everyone Missed

The whole speech was intentionally deceptive statistics, mixed with transparently dishonest appeals to bipartisanship and outright lies.

However, there was one earth shaking line that seemed to have slipped past most people.

And let’s close the loopholes that lead to inequality by allowing the top one percent to avoid paying taxes on their accumulated wealth.

Obama isn’t merely proposing to “increase taxes on the rich” there. That would involve raising the tax rate on what they earn.

What he’s proposing is actually taking a slice of what PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY EARNED.



  1. Sorry I haven't missed it. He has been talking about this for years. Has anyone paid any attention?

  2. Son, I've already gotten much of my money OUT of the banking system.
    You don't think he would stop with just the top 1%, do you?
    There will be confiscations of money from almost everybody's accounts to rescue the economy from the 'emergency' that will begin any day now.

  3. Is this a test to tax retirement accounts like the Roth IRA and Education Savings Accounts, and force bail-ins for the big banks?

  4. The man is pimping Communism with hate and division. (as usual)

  5. The gov't would like to take our 401k and retirement accounts and give us treasury bonds in return,uncle Joe said this 4 years ago.

  6. Once he is out of office he and holder are going to need a lot of attorney's! !!!


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