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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bald eagles escape after being trapped in tree

Dunkirk, MD - On Jan. 25 at 7:40 a.m. Sammy Longfellow was leaving for work and heard what he initially assumed to be a hawk making a horrific "screeching" sound very close by. He looked in the direction of the sound and realized that it was not a hawk, but in fact a bald eagle which appeared to be lodged in the top of a tree by his yard.

Longfellow approached the tree and realized it was actually two bald eagles that had intertwined their talons during an apparent brawl and became wedged in the tree, unable to escape.

Longfellow contacted the Calvert County Animal Control Center who immediately dispatched the Department of Natural Resources to our home. Upon arrival of DNR officer, Justin Ball determined that a wildlife rescue was in fact necessary and officer Ball dispatched Dave and Shannon Edwards from a wildlife rescue organization in St. Mary's County, who arrived within the hour.



  1. Nice to hear some good news.

  2. They were probably not fighting. More likely, they were mating. Bald Eagles mate in free-fall, claws clenched together, facing each other. They can fall 1,000+ feet during a mating session. Me-thinks they took a little too long to get the job done.

  3. Also good to know that humans aren't the only creatures that on occasion don't get along.

  4. Should've called Ranger Bob!

  5. Glad they helped themselves. A bunch of humans standing around for seven hours couldn't figure out what to do except make phone calls and take pictures!?

  6. And u not being a human could have done something better I assume?


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