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Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Anti-Gun Rahm Emanuel’s Yard Sign Warns Burglars That He Has Armed Secret Service

Chicago Mayor and gun-control advocate Rahm Emanuel is protected in his home at all hours of the day and night by armed policemen, and a sign outside his house warns would-be burglars that armed Secret Service agents are standing guard.

After Emanuel’s son was robbed outside the mayor’s home last weekend, a Fox 32 news report stated that Emanuel, a member of Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, has 24/7 protection from the Chicago Police Department.

A sign outside the Emanuel home also informs trespassers that the mayor has Secret Service protection. It appears that Emanuel, a former Obama White House chief of staff, still has this sign up outside of his house, according to a screenshot (Note: mayors don’t get Secret Service):



  1. So pleased to hear his son was robbed. He deserved it. What comes around goes around. He's paying for the sins of his evil father.

  2. He should've taken a page out of De Blasio's Book On Parenting and taught his son to be afraid of... No, wait... That's the POLICE he should be afraid of, not the muggers with guns that want to kill you for your shoes.
    My mistake.

  3. Mayors don't get secret service?
    Obama will give them anything they want , Sharpton gets secret service.


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