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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Anti-Gun Leader Upset Police Followed The Law

Clarence Daniels walked into a Wal-Mart in Florida with a gun under his jacket. Another man, Michael Foster, spotted the holstered weapon, followed Daniels into the store, then jumped him. Foster put Daniels in a chokehold and told patrons the man had a gun. When the police arrived Foster was arrested for battery.

Daniels, it turns out, has a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Normally the story would end there, but this cut-and-dry case of one man attacking another over the perceived, and not real, threat he posed caught the attention of a leading anti-gun advocate.

Shannon Watts is the perfunctory head of the Michael Bloomberg front group “Moms Demand Action,” a small anti-gun group into which the billionaire Bloomberg pours millions. Upon hearing of the attack on Daniels, who was following the law, Watts tweeted:



  1. There are many concealed carry people in Maryland, and if I ever imagined it was somehow my duty to tackle ANYONE with a gun when I am not prepared for a gunfight I would be crazy!

    Good Lord! What was this this guy thinking???? Guess he's going for a Darwin Award this year.

  2. This article failed to explain that
    A fundamental responsibility of carrying concealed is to KEEP
    THE GUN CONCEALED. Failing to do so IS a violation of the law. So let's try a little harder to report the news factually shall we?

  3. 9:16 Thank you. That's why I support open carry laws.

  4. Anonymous said...
    This article failed to explain that
    A fundamental responsibility of carrying concealed is to KEEP
    THE GUN CONCEALED. Failing to do so IS a violation of the law. So let's try a little harder to report the news factually shall we?

    January 21, 2015 at 9:16 PM

    This puss hates guns.

  5. Anon 9:16,
    This jack a** never saw the gun. He saw the "print" of the firearm. Which if you've ever carried a concealed firearm is almost impossible to avoid when hip carrying unless you wear bulky clothing which will subsequently impede your deployment of the weapon if needed. And the law does not define a gun as not being concealed because a print is visible. So please learn the law and the facts of carrying before you offer an uneducated opinion.


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