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Monday, January 05, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: Despicable City Roads

Hi Joe, I was wondering if you and your team could shed some light on the condition of our city roads? They're always a mess and when new paving is done it's always on the most unnecessary areas. As heavily traveled as Fitzwater St and business 13 are, I absolutely dread when I have to go that direction. The exorbitant level of taxes would lead me to believe that the most basic level of infrastructure--ROADS--wouldn't resemble a 3rd world country in our city. Thanks for all you do!


  1. I hear that and they seem to always put the manhole covers right where your tire has to run over it or move your vehicle out of the lane.

  2. The state south rt13 has been in the past year is a shame. I have to travel that way multiple times a day and dread having to do so. They had the southbound side tore up for months on end, and when they finally did repave it, it was done in such a shoddy way I feel like I am going down rapids in a river.

    Now they are tearing up the northbound side. Can we expect this side to be trashed for 6+ months like the other side, and then have it repaved into a rollercoaster as well?

  3. ...you've obviously never been to a 3rd world country.

  4. I agree that the Fitzwater area is apparently beyond repair. I have been to city council meetings where, in my opinion useless, Shanie Shields has mentioned how bad the streets are and then after various comments a research project involving the Army Corp of Engineers would be done. No mention if it was done or what was found but apparently if it can get a hip buzz going to it like the downtown more money will be allocated to it. Measurable in miles how bad this city is managed

  5. Why can't they forget about that stupid downtown for a while and do something with the roads. No body goes downtown unless your going to see a lawyer or going to court, but we all use the roads daily. Please do something about them.

  6. It's embarrassing. They had all this huff and puff about that red light district store and this that and the other. But look how the city state and county take care of things. Like teenagers. That's how. Why would any business or anyone at all for that matter want to relocate here.

  7. Fruitland roads are just as bad or worse than Salisbury. Yes, they just paved a short stretch on Division St., but how about paving all the way down East Main St. It's been a mess for years and getting worse every day.

  8. I bet the road that the mayor lives on is in good shape.


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