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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015: The War On Our Intuition That Something Is Fundamentally Amiss

What will you accept as real--your intuition that something is deeply amiss in America, or the official propaganda that all is well?

In 1967, the rock group Buffalo Springfield recorded a song titled For What It's Worth which speaks not just to the late 1960s but to the present.
Consider the opening lines:

There's something happening here

What it is ain't exactly clear

The ambiguity is not coincidental. When the song was recorded in December 1966, America was in the beginning throes of a full-blown national nervous breakdown that would endure for 15 years until 1981.

The fundamental narratives that had sustained the previous 20 years of apparently limitless prosperity and moral certitude were breaking down.The primary narrative of American foreign policy--that the U.S. defended liberty and always won its foreign wars over evil totalitarianism/ fascism/ colonialism was being destroyed on a daily basis in Vietnam, an intrinsically political (and thus unwinnable by military means) war defending a hopelessly corrupt state created by quasi-colonial Great Powers fiat.

The primary political narrative--that democracy and the rule of law were sacrosanct--were undermined by the Watergate affair a few years later.


  1. There is something happening here..... continues on and on and on. Love the song...but hate what is behind it.

  2. There IS something happening here and it is real clear, it is left wing policical correctness that has completly over shadowed all common sense in a large segment of our population.This country is going to hell in a hand basket and our stupid politicans are letting it happen.

  3. Well said Stu, political correctness is killing us - literally.


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