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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

109-year-old woman reveals amazing theory on the secret to a long life

Eating porridge and a little exercise may aid a long life, but there are also a few things you might want to avoid …

The oldest woman in Scotland has revealed a surprising theory on the secret to a long and healthy life: lots of porridge and staying away from men.

Jessie Gallan celebrated her 109th birthday at a care home in Aberdeen on 2 January with a slice of cake.
“My secret to a long life has been staying away from men. They're just more trouble than they're worth,” she told the Daily Mail.

“I also made sure that I got plenty of exercise, eat a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning and have never gotten married.”

Ms Gallan was born in a two-room farm cottage in Aberdeenshire and left home at 13 to become a milkmaid.



  1. Men are a pain in the ass.

  2. Married men live longer than single men.

    But married women die YOUNGER than single women.

    Hmmm, maybe the old gal is right.

  3. 12:23 Try a different position.

  4. This is sad this little lady has never experienced true love.

  5. 1:00 AM: "This is sad this little lady has never experienced true love."

    It is sad that you think this. I'm pretty sure that she loved her parents and other people in her very long life. She has outlived most, if not all, and that is sad, indeed. By eliminating relationships with men from her life, she probably eliminated a major source of stress from her life. And that just might BE the reason for her longevity. She just never tasted the "forbidden fruit".


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