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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Wicomico County Council Tables F.O.P. Vote Again

At least two of the new County Council members would like additional time to go over the pension and disability agreement before casting a final vote on the matter. 

Marty Fisher from the F.O.P. kind of put his foot in his mouth by stating they would file a lawsuit by Friday if they didn't go through with it today, dumb move. 

Its not as if the Council doesn't agree with what is on the table, they just want to study it a little more and deliver what they promised during their campaigns.

The County has settled an agreement with the F.O.P. so the deal is pretty much done. Marty should have remained patient and understood, (or should I say, respected) the new Council Members positions. 

We should see a final agreement very soon. 


  1. It's a lousy deal and it was never agreed to in he first place. Council should tell the FOP to take a hike.

  2. I posted earlier on Martin Fisher as FOP president. I have had multiple convos with him on this matter. The council is starting to do the right thing. Hopefully they will see the wording of this during the vote was not in clear language. And god willing if the council pushes another vote they will not win. We the citizens of wicomico have had a fast one pushed on us and hopefully our new council will protect our interest and force a new vote on only this one matter. Not multiple matters in one vote!
    Yes Marty . I vowed to push for a new vote. Maybe my words have been heard. And as you put it I may now be a target by deputies but I'm not scared. I stand for for what's right. You or no deputy is better and deserves more than anyone when hurt. Most of your deputies are in piss poor health and we will have to pay if their health issues happen on duty. You compare wicomico to big cities like NY Los Angeles etc. You deputies want what's best for yourselves not our community. Did you know the garbage mans job is more dangerous than yours? What's 2/3 of their pay when hurt? Hey Marty ....just because you have a gambling addiction doesn't mean we should pay you more when your so called hurt and recovering in a casino!

    1. You can't possibly compare NY or LA to Wicomico County! How stupid are you? Look at the population of those areas, the median salary of the taxpayers, the tax rate, the pay of the officers...need I go on! Your argument is invalid. You are the weakest link...goodbye!!

    2. Read again! It's the FOP that makes the comparison. This man seems to have been condemned. What is wrong with you people? Poor guy has balls putting his name up. At least someone is doing it.

    3. I think you need to check your facts son...when have they or Fisher ever compared themselves to those places? You don't see the deputies saying that. Plus you obviously have not read the agreement or you would know that the disability is going to be funded mostly by the deputies themselves! Thereally is a clause that if too many go out on "disability" within a cetrain amount of time that the contract will be looked at again. The county has cost themselves more money by not just going along with what THEIR county attorney read and said they should agree to. Maybe we should talk about the waste of over 100k a year he is!

    4. Well friend. Joe has a screen shot of Martin saying just that.

  3. Fisher couldn't leave his mouth shut if he tried. He loves to hear himself talk. Of course 98% of what he says is a lie. I can't believe the FOP voted for Fisher to lead them or that Mikey has allowed him to stay as much as he talks behind his back. Oh wait Mikey isn't in town or at the the office long enough to know what is going on.

    1. Mike Lewis's biggest enemy is Fisher. He was gonna run against him in the beginning.Fisher bad mouths him and most of the dept. I don't know how anyone can trust him at their side.

    2. Exactly. Everything he says is a lie. Every one of us who has worked with him will tell you about his tall tales and huge ego. We call them "Fish tales"!

  4. no defined benefit pensions. Use the 401k so you won't bankrupt the county when they don't fund it properly

  5. 4:44, The employee funded pension is in good shape and funded properly. Learn some facts.. You can't compare this county to a place like Detroit. If you change the system, it will have to start with new hires. The pension is well over 90% funded. Do you want a match like private sector employees get? How about comparable pay for county employees so they can equal private sector if you want everything equal. You cant' have it both ways. The comments on this blog do not represent the majority of people in the county, they represent a vocal minority.

    1. This blog contains the vocal minority of people who care. Most here are smart and follow politics. And most importantly we aren't you Marty hiding anonymously

  6. 5:05 it will cost the tax payer if they go to LEOPS. Also they accepted the current pension system when they signed on. Why should deputies get special treatment over others in the county. It's time to say no to FOP and Lewis who is seldom in the office.

  7. I was there Fisher stated at the close of business on Friday the F.O.P. would file suit if the matter was not settled. As a member of the F.O.P. eight years is long enough. Fisher spoke for the F.O.P. As for 4:35 Fisher did not write the contract the county did idiot. Don't know who you are but you are a pure idiot.

    1. And the FOP stood buy quietly knowing the crooked politicians were decietly writing unclear agendas to suit their needs . shows a lot for the character of the Leos huh? Idiot I am not sir. The truth is out. You cannot discredit that.

    2. 6:49 your comment is just stupid. The contract was written by the COUNTY and signed by the deputies.

    3. The county never came up with this on their own. The deputies cried about it years before it came to light. And eight years since. Never in all of ever did a county decide something like this on its own.

  8. 6:23 don't know who you are but suspect you are one of the deputies who could care less about the citizens and is only out for yourself. Back at ya idiot.

  9. It was an F.O.P. deadline and it will be upheld. Fisher answers to the membership. I also agree 8 years is long enough to stall anything.

  10. If it is LEOPS it will cost the county 27-30% of the deputy salary each year

  11. I just want to clear the air. The deputies did not write the contract. The County offered a contract and the deputies took that said contract. LEEOPS is not part of the contract. The monies were left in the County coffer. The deputies chose to stay within the county. The deputies are also contributing to the disability portion of the contract. Sounds like a win, win. I do not know who this poster is that keeps demeaning the deputies of this county. You are obviously a cop hater and you do not have any of your facts in order. Joe when did you stop checking facts. I was there Fisher did not give the council a day. He gave them til closing of work day on Friday to get back to the F.O.P. *96* months is long enough. I think that is fair attorneys on both sides have signed the contract and Mr. Culver is for it. He is a good man and will do the right things. It is on the councils shoulders I think. I am not even sure it is legal they have a say in this matter at this point. The Counties attorney is Steve Silvestri of Baltimore City he signed the agreement as a Representative of the County. Matter is resolved I am told. I do not think the F.O.P. was letting it drift til 2015 it needs to be resolved.

    I know for fact if this suit is filed it will cost the County and the F.O.P. has allowed this matter to linger on. I think it needs to be resolved sooner then later.

    Have a Merry Christmas Joe thanks for supporting local law enforcement.

    1. So the county just decided on their own to do this? Do you think we are stupid? The FOP had to cry about it in order for it to become a reality.

    2. What was the last statement? Going to cost the county if filed? Of rather pay the attorney fee then pay the end result. And sure the judge will see the ballot was very unclear and misleading.

  12. As a life member of the F.O.P. I have never seen anything like this. The F.O.P. needs to be respected by the new council. Eight years really. They should be patient. Screw that if Fisher can not get this resolved by Christmas he needs to go. Grow a set man quit kissing politicians bum. I know Fisher well this is not like him to whimp out. He was made President for a reason get the Sh** done we have waited long enough. He and the lawyers from Baltimore need to go. Sorry Fish get it done for Christ sake.

    1. Why does the council have to respect the FOP? There it is. Entitlement! What it all boils down to.

  13. Maybe the council needs to follow the will of the people. Sorry folks this has gone on way too long.

  14. If this matter is resolved Joe what is all the noise about?? If it is done as posted why has it not been in the media as being finalized. These cops have been lied to so many times by politicians I they they are just fed up.

  15. Culver needs to clean house this should have never lingered this long. Mr. Culver needs to can every one of Pollitt's puppets. All the deputies are disgusted and tired of being lied to. Ed Baker and Straussburg need to go. Who can trust them.

  16. Have a Merry Christmas Joe thanks for supporting local law enforcement.

    December 16, 2014 at 8:33 PM

    We ALL support local law enforcement. Where do you think your paycheck comes from? Dolt

    1. I know where my check comes from. And I know where I don't any more of it to go.

  17. The sheriff's deserve this give it to them already .

  18. I saw Marty Fisher act like a prick and threaten the new County Council who has never seen the work before. If they don't get it done by Friday Tough Titty Marty. Show some respect next time. Send it to court and you will lose and not only do you lose, but the entire FOP and the deputies lose because of the ignorant ass that you are. I hope you don't treat the citizens of Wicomico County like that. If you do I hope that the citizens start complaining to the County Council.

    1. He has threatened his nephew with a law suit for speaking out. What do you think he will do to us?

  19. I will admit I did make a mistake in my original Post. He did say Friday.

  20. I believe I am going to try and get a public referendum together to repeal all taxpayer collective bargaining agreements. And just like Wisconsin's Governor did - Wicomico should follow.

    It is the taxpayer who will bare the brunt of these binding agreements - and it ought not be allowed by any of our politicians . . . period. It is a form of extortion and racketeering.

    1. Careful friend. Mr N Fisher did the same and look at him? A target for every cop in the county.

  21. 73% of the voters in Wicomico County voted for it. The only crooked and unethical behavior was exhibited by the members of the Wicomico County Council who spent tax payers dollars to wage a legal battle to override the will of the taxpayers using the excuse "I'm not sure the people knew what they were voting for". The job of the elected representatives is to carry the will of the people forward......to represent the will of the people. Whether or not you personally agree, 73% of the voters represented the will of the majority.

    1. Those 73% voted on something else and this was snuck into the writting

  22. THANK YOU 8:38!!! Exactly so basically all these negative comments must be the other 27% that either didn't vote for it or didn't vote at all!! The agreement is clear, yes everything has to be written in legal terms not just everyday language. Bottom line is if you vote for something, know what/who you are voting for. Did everyone think that some of this wouldn't be paid by the county? But the truth is the vast majority will be funded by a percentage taken out of the deputies pay every two weeks, so they are paying for a better system for themselves but there are certain aspects the county will have to control or oversee.

    1. The voters had no idea it was in the same vote. Putting multiple votes on one ballot is wrong and deceitful.

  23. 6:30 you were not there and Fisher was very polite. He just stated the facts. He answers to the members. Please sign your name and prove you were there coward.

    Grow some balls

    1. Look at the poor guy who already posted his name. Think this guy will? Bunch of cops looking for names and gonna kick some ass. Oh wait its the other way around isn't it?

  24. Does anyone know what the county has spent over the last eight years on this legal battle. I mean other then the money spent letting Ed Baker get caught up in the counties retirement system when he was a contactual employee. His ass needs to go. Take straussburg that drunk crooked m.f. and can him too. I say F.O.P nees to go Teamsters and get all county employees on board we have been screwed long enough.

    All politicians are crooks

  25. I once heard Marty use Deputy Funks shooting in Cambridge as an example. I still don't understand how ? He is a wicomico deputy but was serving in another county as a federal task force member. Shouldn't the feds pay for him?

    1. I agree with you. If Funk was working a fed gig, feds should be responsible.

  26. Funny all you cop haters on here. I have not heard one cop call anyone out. The low lifes that sit around all day making this crap up suck. Lazy welfare getting losers. Sitting at home living off others tax money you should all be ashamed.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As a life member of the F.O.P. I have never seen anything like this. The F.O.P. needs to be respected by the new council. Eight years really. They should be patient. Screw that if Fisher can not get this resolved by Christmas he needs to go. Grow a set man quit kissing politicians bum. I know Fisher well this is not like him to whimp out. He was made President for a reason get the Sh** done we have waited long enough. He and the lawyers from Baltimore need to go. Sorry Fish get it done for Christ sake.

    December 16, 2014 at 8:39 PM

    You need to get it right!! The FOP needs to respect the new Council.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    73% of the voters in Wicomico County voted for it. The only crooked and unethical behavior was exhibited by the members of the Wicomico County Council who spent tax payers dollars to wage a legal battle to override the will of the taxpayers using the excuse "I'm not sure the people knew what they were voting for". The job of the elected representatives is to carry the will of the people forward......to represent the will of the people. Whether or not you personally agree, 73% of the voters represented the will of the majority.

    December 17, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Have a separate referendum that people understand and I am pretty sure 73% will not approve of it.

    1. right out of your mouth. A crooked Council set this up. What makes you think it wasn't done in an illegal manner ? just more of a point on why it needs to go to a revote. I believe that is all Mr fisher was asking for. A clear and transparent government here locally. Ask for because of the crooked politicians of the time.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know what the county has spent over the last eight years on this legal battle. I mean other then the money spent letting Ed Baker get caught up in the counties retirement system when he was a contactual employee. His ass needs to go. Take straussburg that drunk crooked m.f. and can him too. I say F.O.P nees to go Teamsters and get all county employees on board we have been screwed long enough.

    All politicians are crooks

    December 17, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    It's not Ed Bakers fault.There were council members and a County Exec. that had to approve this.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6:30 you were not there and Fisher was very polite. He just stated the facts. He answers to the members. Please sign your name and prove you were there coward.

    Grow some balls

    December 17, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    I noticed you didn't have the balls to sign your name. You must be a coward.

  31. Anonymous said...
    I agree with you. If Funk was working a fed gig, feds should be responsible.

    December 17, 2014 at 4:36 PM


  32. 1:46 AM you didn't sign either, about 99% send anonymous or there would be no dialogue on the blog, we live in a time of retaliation or bullying. Just saying.

  33. Why should sheriff's office be different from other county employees?

  34. Anonymous said...
    1:46 AM you didn't sign either, about 99% send anonymous or there would be no dialogue on the blog, we live in a time of retaliation or bullying. Just saying.

    December 21, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    You are still a coward. Don't tell someone else to grow some balls and sign your name when you didn't.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Why should sheriff's office be different from other county employees?

    December 21, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Because they have very high risk jobs and you don't!! What other county employees get shot at?

    1. Really? Last time a deputy in wicomico was shot at? Please answer.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Maybe the council needs to follow the will of the people. Sorry folks this has gone on way too long.

    December 16, 2014 at 9:03 PM

    Maybe you should give the new council time to understand the contract. "The will of the people" did not put together a legal contract. If you don't understand then keep your mouth shut.

    By the way if it was on the ballot today I doubt seriously the will of the people would be different.

    Joe could you please make that a survey question just out of curiosity. Make it like the ballot question and make it where you can only vote one time.

  37. The F.O.P. has shown nothing but respect to all involved. I am related to a member trust me they have be patient long enough. I also know they are suing lets see what a judge has to say. The county will lose big on this one. It should have never come to this. Stay safe there are a ton of citizens that love the Sheriff and the deputies. We voted yes then and will stand by you now. I was one of the 75% that voted I had no one run in my district or that idiot would be gone. Politicians are crooks.

    1. Family member? Post your name like Mr fisher did. He has a family member in it as well. Actually don't. I enjoy seeing him being the only one with a pair. And like you said. Politicians are crooks. The most crooked ever being the ones that allowed this to happen. Think about that folks! That's right! All who are for this also scream the council at the time was so dirty the couldn't be trusted.

  38. Joe can we see the names of who on the council held this up ?? I know Bob Culver is for it. So what is the hold up ?

  39. 5:47 last year Deputy T. Funk. There were also two situations when officers used deadly force and no one protested. The people of the Eastern Shore by in large like the police. The people here believe in the constitution. Blacks and Whites on the shore get along. You are a classless loser. Hang in there officers this time will pass. We the people of the shore love you guys.

    I am proud to be a shore-man and love my neighbors. All of them. Well except 5:47 lol What an idiot

    1. deputy funk was on a federal task force and shot in Cambridge Maryland. Look at a map, and learn what lies in Wicomico County! The man was shot not in this county!

  40. a deputy from Wicomico County has not been shot at in a very very long time here in the county!

  41. There are 2 recent incidents where Deputies were shot at. The first one, they returned fire and killed the guy. The second one, they shot the guy in the neck and he survived. These were both in the paper during the past 5-10 years.
    Anybody who doesn't think that the police should have a disability program with a living wage is heartless.


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