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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Why Hillary Is Not Inevitable: Bill’s Sordid Past

The key thing about conventional political wisdom is that it is usually wrong. This idea that the election of Hillary Rodham Clinton is “inevitable” is wide of the mark. In fact her survival to the finish line is dubious. The Clintonistas and their dupes in the establishment media may not want to open the magnum of champagne just yet.

Neither the voters nor some in the media want or need a contest. But coronations are not American, and they don’t sell newspapers or generate Web traffic.

Clinton faces multiple challenges and vulnerabilities, and predictions of her coronation are indeed premature. So daunting are her challenges, I’m shocked she appears to be running. Clearly taking a paid speech in the late spring means she intends to milk it and perhaps get in later.


1 comment:

  1. She is one of the biggest liars this country has ever seen. Sadly grueber is right people are stupid and will vote for her no matter what.


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