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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Unbelievable! Obama wants followers to skimp on charity and give to his ‘organizers’ instead

During this season of giving, there are so many great charities to choose from it can be tough to decide.

You can give to charities for sick children like St. Jude, or an organization that helps the poor and the hungry like The Salvation Army.

OR you can donate to the charity of our president’s choice.

In an unbelievable act of selfishness, the ego-in-chief has asked his supporters on Twitter to donate to his “charity,” Organizing For Action.

During this season of giving, save a donation to support grassroots organizing: http://t.co/XjoPMcqrAk

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 11, 2014

That’s right. While so many are suffering from the terrible economic decisions the president himself has made, he wants you to donate to forgo the hungry, the poor and the sick kids and give him more of your money. Money he can use to train more progressive propagandists.



  1. Deficit cut in 2/3rds, unemployment below 6%, gas under $2.60, Bin Laden dead, GM alive, and ppl with health care. Seems like it's working to me.

  2. He's such an a$$, I'll donate to whom I choose, when I choose, and it will not be one damn thing that he is connected to.

  3. i went to the site they would not take my donation on 0.01

  4. @ 7:14-Spoken like a true lemming.

  5. 7:14 you must be one of the takers not the givers as long as you get you free food health and money you are happy

    1. Sounds just like something Chuck Cook would say.

  6. For some stupid reason he thinks he'll have a legacy.He actually thought that his ideas were so revolutionary that he would re write politics.

  7. Communism at it's best.

  8. The lower deficit can be attributed to the GOP who controlled Obama's spending.
    All Obama did was raise and implement more taxes which contributed to it falling but hurt local struggling economies.
    Unemployment is lower only because of stimulus money and government job creation. When people screamed no private sector job growth, government slipped in with money for companies "to grow." It always falls around Oct because of seasonal hiring.
    You're living under a rock 7:14 but I sure as hell aren't.
    Gas prices are not something to bring up. In relation to wages they should be much lower so don't even go there, it's ignorant.
    Bin Laden? Oh so it's perfectly okay for Obama to be the judge, jury and executioner but when a cop is fighting for his life, it's not okay for them to react.
    GM is only alive because of government intervention owes over 10 billion to tax payers which they will never see. Of course it's alive-Einstein. When the tax payers bail you out to the tune of billions of course you are going to be alive-must be rocket science to you 7:14, but it's not.
    Oh and people now have health insurance? LOL-this statement speaks to all. "Stupid American voter" as per your fellow democrat and obamacare architect.
    Very few people are new to health insurance that signed up for obamacare. Most-Einstein-had no choice but to sign up because they previous insurance was cancelled because it wasn't obamacare compliant.
    You need to wise the hell up. The problem is-You can't fix stupid and you 7:14 are without a doubt the epitome of the "stupid American voter."

  9. "Deficit cut in 2/3rds, unemployment below 6%, gas under $2.60, Bin Laden dead, GM alive, and ppl with health care."

    I'm not going to waste my time responding to these points individually. 5 minutes on the internet and you can dismiss almost all as shallow propaganda. I'll grant you that Bin Laden is probably dead - though the implication that Obama made any contribution to that is doubtful. And you forgot his other great achievement. "If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare" - nominated for lie of the decade.

  10. 9:24 - I'm glad you know how to look up lemmings like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to get the tea party talking points. If Obama cured cancer they would still find some way to criticize him for it.

    Oh wait, that's right. On Obama's watch a cancer was cured - he's called Bin Laden. If OBL had been cured on Bush's watch, you would have thrown a parade.

    You don't have to love Obama, or even vote for him. Go ahead, campaign against him. But at least be intellectually honest to acknowledge that on his watch, the deficit is cut, unemployment is down, terrorists are killed (despite what Rush Limbaugh says about Obama letting terrorists run free), and American companies are still living.

    He isn't the greatest president ever, not by a long shot. But, he has a number of positive accomplishments. You are simply too rabid in your Hannity induced Obama hatred to even see it.

    I stopped watching and listening to Hannity years ago, because I realized he is simply an intellectually dishonest and shrill talking head, and his talking points are to do one thing: keep his listeners engaged.

  11. For real 7:14 is one of the "stupid American voters."
    That's exactly what the democrat politicians think of their voters.
    Thanks to Gruber for having the guts to say what they think.
    Anyone who believes one word out of Obama's mouth is a first class fool. You lie to me once, shame on you, you lie to me twice, prudent people then question everything you say.
    The foolish low information people like 7:14 swallow it by the shovelfuls and then regurgitates it for other fools consumption.

  12. 9:45- I've heard Limbaugh speak all of 5 minutes in my entire 51 years. As far as Hannity, I don't watch him nor any others. I do watch the news during the day on and off (mostly for breaking news type of events) and read many newspapers online which allow me to form my own opinion. Financials, legal and business are of particular interest.
    I am extremely well educated and am able to form my own conclusions on any issue put before me. There are very few people that I am so in awe with that they can influence me. I'm secure in myself and very confident.
    I'm generally always correct and that has led to great successes in my life. It has nothing to do with not liking Obama but more the gift of knowing not all things are as they appear and the truth can be had by searching. I can make anything look great on it's surface and as long as you don't look behind the curtain you will be fooled.

  13. Is it honest....does it feel honest? Does it lead to advancement of the country as a whole? Does it stink? Does it seem like social injustice? If you are not politically educated (as I will agree I am not) I ask myself does this smell of something rotten ???? I don't think people listen to their guts and hearts enough. Use common sense people....When something reeks of injustice... it usually is.

  14. Dear 7:14 and 9:45,

    Government and media enabled MAGICAL MANIPULATIONS make for those stunning headlines of success.

    But to believe, you must be uninformed, disingenuous or just stupid! Which are you?


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