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Friday, December 19, 2014

"TU Delft - Ambulance Drone"


  1. Not a chance in hell , however , maybe better than Salisbury response.

  2. CPR should have been administered as soon as possible . wasted way too much time. Patient would be dead by this time.

  3. its a way to get you on board with drones, by saying the fire and ems can use it, saying restaurants and amazon type places can use it...

    But really it is for the police to use to track you or spy on you...

    What is stopping the police from recording you not on purpose but later wither it be, days months or years later come and arrest you for something you did they caught on tape?

  4. When they can lift people off high rise buildings then you'll have something.

  5. 8:19 The can already keep an eye and track us. Its called Cell Phones.

    Yesterday I went to install the Amazon.com app on my Android Phone. When you install an app it list the features on the phone the app will use.

    The Amazon.com App requires you allow them to have access to your phones camera, Microphone, Contact list, Call information, Pictures and much more.

    Why does Amazon need to turn on my microphone and camera or look at my pictures ?


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