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Monday, December 08, 2014

This Dosen't Seem Fair


  1. Pete, it was a black female - as Hillary would say "what difference does it make?".

  2. Apples to oranges. Pete should be in the HOF though, but the cases don't compare. Domestic abuse isn't a written "law" in major sports, where as gambling is.

  3. 4256 hits would embarrass most if not all of the other HOF members alive or dead.Everyone in every business realizes that stark contrasts can be belittling.Just throwing that in for good measure.A lot of other players also don't want him in the HOF.I am 6' tall,which is not short by any means,but I would prefer not to have my picture taken standing next to Shaq.

  4. Pete Rose's punishment was severe. Other players have done much worse and received much less repercussions.

  5. 3rd hand, but...
    Ran into a waitress many moons ago who worked @ Brandywine Raceway in northern DE where Pete and his significant other frequented when he was in Philly. She stated that Pete always sent his SO to make the bets, as he didn't wanna glad-hand with fans. Said that once a kid showed up in a Phillies uniform at Pete's table and tried to get him to sign a baseball card. She said he called security. Also, no one wanted to wait on him, as they all considered him a jerk.


  6. Different sports and totally different actions.

    Pete played very well but his violation totally undermined confidence in the game (see Black Sox scandal of 1918). He made his bed and I'm happy he's not in Cooperstown except as a tourist!

    Rice assaulted his fiance` and was adjudicated. NFL has piled on to play catch up on the wide variety of thugs they employ. They fine players for non-approved equipment - don't hold your breath on this past week's uniform graffiti being penalized.

    Pete should accept that he bet and lost!


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