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Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Daily Times - Spreading Discord on Christmas Eve

We have had numerous people contact us about the piece written by Gains Hawkins that is in the online version of the Daily Times. 

The decision to run such a distinctly partisan article filled with personal attacks on Christmas Eve, calls into question the thought process of the DT and their motives. So much for peace on earth and good will toward men! 

Yes, it is an "opinion" article, but Hawkins comes across as very bitter, offering nothing positive. He is obviously an extremely liberal Democrat who can't get over their resounding loss. This article was a way for him to personally vent and adds nothing helpful to the political discussion. 

Wouldn't it be nice, if at the Christmas season, at least one Democrat could wish the Republicans well! What a complete lack of class on behalf of all involved.


  1. Hawkins has always been the consummate liberal; he always knows what's best for the rest of us.

  2. Like the Daily Times, there is nothing of any value put forth by him.

  3. Parker and her crew can't get over that Pollitt lost.

  4. misery loves company

  5. Hawkins is scum, always has been, always will be.

  6. Agreed with all the above. But one more fact ommitted is that Hawkins was Pollitt's treasurer. That says a lot why the people voted Pollitt out. BIRDS OF A FEATHER.

  7. Apparently this guy is mean spirited. Otherwise what could have been his point in writing this ugliness and The Daily Times for publishing it.

  8. Gains has forever been a loser.

  9. Susan Parker claims to be a good Catholic and it makes me sick to know that we have liberal dirt bags like her attending Mass at our church.


  10. Gains Hawkins is as liberal as they come. He has "milked" the State of Maryland for pensions at Salisbury (State) University and then turned around a worked for UMES for many years. A brown-nose Liberal who tells his political heroes what they want to hear and then turns around and "blows it up their Buttes"!

    Now he days... he collects his hefty pensions from the Democratic run governments and runs like a girl on Coulbourn Mill Road.

    Hey, Mr. NO Personality... how's it feel now to lose your political Butt Kissers in Maryland Government?

  11. You must consider the source Gains was a failure at SU so he fled to UMES wher he did nothing but cause problems.

  12. Kilian should hang his head in shame and the "editorial" board needs to resign. No wonder that rag is close to going out of business. They are completely out of touch with the community if they think that drivel from Hawkins is worthy of being printed.

  13. This from a man that runs in the roadway and makes cars go around him. Is that a dare, Gains?

  14. Question for Mr. Hawkins, if you and your democratic friends wanted Pollitt to win, why didn't you all raise money for him, hold fundraisers and speak up for him? He was a terrible candidate and YOU let him be a disengaged candidate. He had no money to buy ads or anything until the last week after begging. Where were Phil Tilghman, Tony Sarbanes and all the other liberals? Didn't see them coming through with financial support and big endorsements of Pollitt. Did you all really believe that Culver didn't have a chance? That shows just how out of touch you and your ilk are. Tilghman and Hawkins have written very nasty pieces about the election and its aftermath. Why didn't you work that hard for Pollitt? I think you wanted him to lose so you could run a handpicked candidate in 4 years rather than challenging Pollitt in the primary. Culver has support and it is growing. You aren't nearly as slick as you think you are. Just very nasty, mean spirited people. You are truly exposed for what you are.

  15. shame on the Daily Times. This is a new low for you.

  16. So Hawkins thinks that Culver dismisses education because he didn't vote for the bloated Bennett school. I guess that Hawkins is like some others who believe kids can't learn unless they are in a high tech, state of the art environment. Apparently the quality of the education, the teachers and curriculum don't matter as long as the school looks good. YOU are the ones who have screwed up the educational system in Wicomico County, not Culver wanting a less extravagant school. All you have done is shown us how shallow you really are. BTW, I guess you didn't work hard for Pollitt because he isn't as liberal as you want. Wonder if Ricky has figured that out yet?

  17. I'm a SFdS parishioner too, Anonymous 5:13. That's a lovely Christian attitude you're expressing.

  18. Wow, what a disgruntled asshat! These are the people I don't listen to, and another good reason I don't red the DT!

  19. 6:16 Maybe Susan Parker should have exhibited a Christian attitude instead of supporting biased, hateful attacks being published on Christmas Eve. Where is her moral compass? She isn't nearly as special as she thinks she is and neither is that rag she works for.

  20. This is off the subject a bit, but I thought Culver's piece was hopeful and positive. He has a tough job, but he isn't bashing his enemies in a negative way like that Hawkins man. He is offering suggestions for change that don't including degrading others in the process. That is the kind of thing I like to read and what I like to see in a leader. The Democrats have really proven to be crybabies and unprofessional in every way.

  21. LOL-Oh yeah Conway really belongs on Mount Rushmore as per Hawkins.
    And Pollitt is so wonderful.
    Hawkin's is substandard. He has below average expectations. May explain why he's stuck working for a 2nd rate rag.
    The lower shore is barely holding on. Lowest income levels, highest poverty and unemployment levels, low homeownership, high foreclosure and short sales.

  22. Hawkins needs to accept that some of us do care about the future of the communities we live in.
    He should be thankful that the voters stepped up to the plate and have made the first steps toward leaving a better place for the children. This includes his child and grandchildren. He may not care about his children but I have news for him, other people do care about theirs.

  23. Did SPD sponsor any families for Christmas this year? They used to sponsor 15-20 families but the chief has run everyone out of the department that used to take care of that and I haven't see any press releases on it. Just curious.

  24. Bottom Line. Don't waste your time, breath or energy blasting the dems and libs. They are failures and just haven't realized it yet.

    Mr. Culver, thank you for all you've done so far and my family and I are looking forward to many more great changes. We appreciate your forward looking ideas and the fact that we are now going to be accountable for all spending in Wicomico County. It's been too long since we've seen growth, new jobs and lower taxes. I feel certain this can be accomplished by our new leadership.

    Happy New Year to ALL...

  25. I was involved years ago with a Community Foundation event and met Gains for the first time. throughout the evebt he was a total jerk - a pompous, arrogant, condencending assho--. Glad he got the boot from SSU but was sorry to see UMES did not have enough foresight to avoid him. His idea of making himself look "good" is to try to make others look "bad" and I have no patience for jerks like that.

  26. 8:27 don't you remember? The chief deos nothing without Jim's papal blessing. You need to ask our gay mayor why he discontinued that

  27. The liberals are so convinced they know better than the rest of us that they are more than willing to give up OUR personal liberties in order to move their agenda forward. In other countries that is referred to as socialism.

  28. Blogger Queensgirl52 said...
    I'm a SFdS parishioner too, Anonymous 5:13. That's a lovely Christian attitude you're expressing.

    December 26, 2014 at 6:16 PM

    I've read enough from you to know you are a liberal moron.


  29. So Gains...

    Are you not going to defend yourself on this blog? You can't ... because you know everything said here is the truth.

    How many people in this community bet this was his planned "escape" for not helping his fellow Democrats? I bet he takes his high dollar pensions (that he shouldn't have earned anyway), sell his house, move away from this corrupt, run down, crime infested town called Salisbury to some holy moly Democratic Utopia.

    So long Mr. Running Man.

  30. Blogger Queensgirl52 said...
    I'm a SFdS parishioner too, Anonymous 5:13. That's a lovely Christian attitude you're expressing.

    December 26, 2014 at 6:16 PM

    I think we found out who Susan Parker is on Blogger.

  31. "What a complete lack of class on behalf of all involved."

    As we look at democraps, we expect nothing less.

  32. IMO all you numerous folks in such discord are reaching out to the wrong party. Doesn't it make more sense to write a letter to the editor of the Daily Times or Gains Hawkins expressing why your opinions differ. Just a thought.

  33. It's not fun to be a looser. Suck it up Gains. Interesting that you defend the alcoholic Lib/Pres. of SU now. You were not too charitable when your position was cut 13 or 14 years ago. Remember what your idol said. "Elections have consequences."

  34. Considering way more people read Sby News then the DT's 6:23 this is the perfect outlet for opinions on a DT's editorial.

  35. To 6:23 - Won't do any good to write the DT.

    You want to know why - because it will go to Susan Parker's desk. She used to be employed by the Wicomico County Public Schools.

  36. Two of the most difficult people I have ever met or worked with, Gains and Susan.

  37. It was a mean piece. Not funny, mean. A newspaper is to report the news. Hawkins, Parker, and others should be gone. Their behavior and lack of journalistic integrity will cause our local daily paper to continue its downward spiral. If it was a good paper that reported the NEWS in a fair and unbiased way I would be a subscriber.

  38. Susan Parker is a fraud

  39. This post should stay at the top since the DT actually printed the garbage in Sunday's paper. I also find the war the BOE is waging against those who question them truly disgusting. As a taxpayer, I would be more willing to support schools if the QUALITY of education was there. It isn't. Fancy schools won't fix what is wrong in the classroom despite what Ron Willey tries to imply. He is just making excuses for the poor decisions and waste of dollars by the BOE. New blood is needed at the BOE instead of the old guard who is so entrenched in entitlement. Bring on an elected school board. Wicomico is rotten to the core. So sick of Ron Willey, Gains Hawkins and all the whiny, classless liberals who think they are superior to everyone.

  40. In his offering today, Mr. Hawkins implies the stand on the bond issue was because West Salisbury serves minorities. A total crock. There is no single group upon whom more is spent than minorities in this community. That is especially true in education. Other kids get next to nothing.

  41. Hawkins comments were so divisive, they should never have been put on line or in print. The DT is trying to stir the pot. The editorial board needs to go and people who truly want to improve the community and who are more reflective of the citizens should be put in place. I have never seen should poor losers. The liberals did nothing to support Pollitt financially or otherwise, so NOW they are crying because the citizens have spoken and elected conservatives. They are doing exactly what they constantly accuse others of - tearing down the community and anyone who doesn't agree with them. So hypocritical!

  42. As Barney Fife always said....
    "I think he's a nut".

  43. Sad that those who are pandered to don't even seem to notice it.

  44. I read the editorial and Hawkins is a very very bitter person. Somewhere it was mentioned he worked at UMES. No wonder the school ranks so low in graduation rates. Bitterness is contagious and with "friends" like him, those enrolled there need no enemies.
    Hey Hawkins-Try being uplifting for once. You might like it!


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