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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2014

Honorable Mentions: The ACLU, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, The Freedom From Religion Foundation, Jesse Jackson, Ezra Klein, Sally Kohn, Sheila Jackson Lee, Mike Malloy, Michelle Obama, Rosie O’Donnell, Chris Rock, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Chuck Schumer, Joan Walsh, Elizabeth Warren, Shannon Watts

20) Wendy Davis: Liberals had such great hopes for Wendy Davis, but her abort ‘em-all-and-let-God-sort-‘em-out themed campaign didn’t turn out to have the appeal at the ballot box libs seemed to think it would in a conservative state like Texas.

Defining Tweet: “It is a bit embarrassing that Abortion Barbie doesn’t even have her facts straight on Kermit Gosnell considering abortion is her issue.” – Erick Erickson

19) Sandra Fluke: Despite her outstanding liberal track record of being a pretentious 30 year old student whose only “accomplishment” involved asking Congress to subsidize the staggering amount she apparently paid for her monthly birth control bill, Fluke was still rejected by California Democrats in her bid for the State Senate. Ha, ha, ha!

Defining Airheaded Tweet: “Horrified by #TortureReport & by how it mirrors domestic challenges of #sexualassault & violence against men of color by authority figures.” – Sandra Fluke

18) Russell Brand: According to his biography, Russell Brand actually IS the pampered, scatterbrained celebrity that he plays in Get Him to the Greek. However, like a lot of other film stars, he doesn’t just want to be thought of as a pampered, ex-heroin addict; so he blathers on about politics. In Brand’s case, it’s mostly barely comprehensible gibberish about revolution, rich people and tolerance – and probably crumpets or something since he’s British and no one can figure out what he’s trying to get at half the time.

Defining excerpt from an open letter: “Dear Russell,

Hi. I’m Jo. You may remember me. You may even have filmed me. On Friday, you staged a publicity stunt at an RBS office, inconveniencing a hundred or so people.

…One last thing, Russell. Who did you inconvenience on Friday? Let’s say that you’re right, and that the likes of Fred Goodwin need to pay. OK, so how much trouble do you think Fred faced last Friday as a result of your antics? Do you think any of his food got cold, Russell? Even just his tea? I somehow doubt it. How about some of the millionaire traders you despise so much (some of whom are nearly as rich as you, Russell)? Well, no, because you got the wrong f*cking building. (Might want to have a word with your researchers about that.) Which brings us back to where we came in: a bunch of admittedly fairly well paid but still quite ordinary working people, admin staff mostly, having their lives inconvenienced and, in at least one case, their lunches quite disastrously cooled, in order to accommodate the puerile self-aggrandizing antics of a prancing multimillionaire. If you had any self-awareness beyond agonizing over how often to straighten your f*cking chest-hair, you’d be ashamed.” – Jo from Northern Ireland

17) Andrew Cuomo: How much of a partisan dummy does a governor have to be to publicly tell people who disagree with him politically that they’re not welcome IN HIS STATE?

1 comment:

  1. Sheila Jackson Lee isn't a real liberal; she's just an idiot.


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