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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Taliban 'burn teacher alive in front of pupils and behead children'

According to a NBC News report, citing an unnamed military official, the terrorists stormed the Army Public school in Peshawar, in north-west Pakistan, and committed the horrific act as well as detonating a suicide bomb which killed a number of students.

"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network.

"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."

At least six militants entered the Pakistani school wearing security uniforms, before massacring an estimated 132 people and injuring another 122.



  1. hen will we get the clue to just walk out the door and let them kill each other off without our input?

  2. ... yet we need to ban water boarding? Gimmee a break!

  3. If we're not as brutal to them as they are to us, we will lose!

    Bring back extreme rendition - do it quietly and make these terrorists simply disappear when you're done with them...don't house them in GTMO...turn them in to Soylent "M" and feed them to the rest of the starving ones you are keeping!

  4. Liberals keep pandering to these barbarians wait until Sharia law comes here.

  5. They are just barbaric monsters. Nothing we could do to them would ever equal what they do to Americans. I just pray that they all go to hell and never get their 57 virgins.

  6. we must show empathy towards are enemy

  7. Just this past week, I listened once again to my 87 y.o. father recount what his father said about the muslim religion after returning from India after many years as a Christian missionary at the turn of the 19/20thC. He said, of all the different religions that he had witnessed, the only one that he had no use for, was the muslim religion. Today, we can clearly see why.

  8. Recruiters are looking for people who don't want to put up with this crap.

  9. Islam is not a religion. It is a cult. Anything that can brainwash so many people into doing horrific deeds is a cult.
    The whole concept of Islam needs to go. No decent parent would practice such a concept that has such the potential of making their child into killers. They need to stop being so naïve. This in not a real religion no matter what it is you've heard, how you've been raised, etc.


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