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Monday, December 08, 2014

Snowy Owl Ready To Be Released In Md.

BERLIN, Md. (AP) -- A snowy owl that was found injured at the Martin State Airport in Baltimore is ready to be released back into the wild.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources says the owl has been rehabilitated and will be released Monday at Assateague State Park. When the female bird was found she had a broken wing that required surgery. The bird spent the summer recovering at the Maryland Zoo and is now ready to be released.

Officials say the bird has been fitted with a small GPS device so that her movement can be tracked.



  1. I don't have anything against owls, but Md. is $900 million or so in debt and we still waste money on feel good bull like this. And people wonder where all the tax money goes.

  2. 11:17

    Maybe if you opened your eyes and saw that there is more to this world than money and taxes you would understand that this is just good work for the world. You sound selfish. Yes we live in a society, but we also live on a planet!

    Also, DNR is an organization that is usually in the black. So now you are just dumb!

  3. I would rather spend my tax dollars on a owl instead of the deadbeats on welfare and disability who know they can work but are scamming the system.


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